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The aim of the project is a pilot implement. of a regulated profession in the specialty of metal construction and assembly scaffolding - assembly and disassembly supervised by the Min.of Development, Labor and Technology into the formal edu.system (to a construction school implementing an educational process supervised by the Min.of Edu.and Science). Based on the applicable legal regulations, the project proposes a solution combining VET education in the formal system with the area of non-school forms of VET training-dual education.
One of the main tasks of the project will be teaching and formal preparation of schools, including teaching staff, to conduct VET the field of regulated professions. For a regulated profession, it is required that the staff conducting practical training have appropriate qualifications. In the case of the presented project, it is required to have the qualifications required for the assembly and disassembly of metal construction and assembly scaffolding.
Summary of project results
Professional experience is highly valued by companies, and its lack is a major obstacle for people looking for their first job. The European Commission recommended intensifying efforts to improve the quality of vocational education and professional skills, including: through dual education. The aim of the project was a pilot implementation into the formal education system (in a construction school implementing an educational process supervised by the Ministry of Education and Science) of a regulated profession in the specialty of construction and assembly metal scaffolding - assembly and disassembly supervised by the Ministry of Development, Labor and Technology. Based on the applicable legal regulations, the project proposes a solution combining vocational education in the formal system with the area of non-school forms of vocational training - dual education.
One of the main tasks of the project was the didactic and formal preparation of the school, including teaching staff, to provide vocational education in the field of regulated professions. For a regulated profession, it is required that the staff conducting practical training have appropriate qualifications. In the case of this project, it is required to have permission to assemble and dismantle metal construction and assembly scaffolding.
The project developed:
- core curriculum for training a fitter of construction and assembly metal scaffoldings in the formal training system,
- training program,
- necessary teaching materials and tools,
- designed and constructed stations for theoretical and practical training,
- a validation and certification process was prepared after the training, including accreditation of the training process legally required for professional training in the field of regulated professions,
- training of school teaching staff, preparation of competences of staff to conduct studies in the subject: assembly of metal construction and assembly scaffolding - assembly and disassembly,
- pilot implementation in 3 vocational schools (students gained professional qualifications)
- evaluation studies,
- dissemination events (national conferences)
The long-term result is the introduction of the first regulated profession into vocational education in the formal system, which is a testing ground for subsequent implementations of several dozen professions in the construction industry.