Key competences for people 50+

Project facts

Project promoter:
Deinde Ltd.(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Diversity in the workplace(NO)


Objectives and Outcomes:
- extension of the Applicant''s educational offer in the field of key competences, taking into account the specificity of people over 50 years of age.
- Improving the quality of education at the Applicant
- Expanding access to education programs for people over 50, taking into account their specificity and needs
- Development of competences of coaching staff and organizers of adult education in the EU
- Strengthening bilateral relations between Poland and Norway.

In 2018, the EU Council updated the recommendations for the 8 key competences, originally described in 2006. Skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, collaborative skills, creative thinking, computational thinking and self-regulation are more relevant than ever. They are tools that allow what has been learned to be put into practice in real time to generate new ideas, new theories, new products and new knowledge. Therefore, activities were profiled in these 4 areas, i.e. competences in the field of understanding and creating information, digital and social competences and entrepreneurship.
The project was profiled for the needs of the elderly, i.e. over 50 years old. Changes resulting from the aging process (e.g. changes in perception, needs, attitudes, etc.) cause that older people have different needs, and thus the education process must respond to them in order to be effective.

Implementation of the above goals is to create in the project 6 intellectual outputs (IO:
1. Methodology with a research part,
2. 4 modular courses
3. Guidelines for educators with quality control tools.

Participants: min. 8 people (educators)

Final beneficiaries (people who can use the tool directly in their work or as a course participants):
- adult educators,
- adult education institutions,
- employers
- people over 50 y.o. (as course participants).

Summary of project results

The main objectives and benefits assumed in the implementation of the project were:
-Extending the educational offer of the Applicant - a Polish institution from the adult education sector - with an innovative educational model in the field of key competences concerning the education of people over 50, taking into account the specificity and needs of this target group (related to age)
-Improving the quality of education provided by the Applicant
-Extending access to education programmes for people over 50
-Developing the competences of trainers and providers of adult education in the EU
-Strengthening bilateral relations between Poland and Norway.

The above objectives were realised through the achievement of the indicator "Number of educational institutions offering new/improved educational offers/programmes/courses"-1/1. Positive assessments in terms of increasing the level of skills and competences of staff -Participants of the project (13 persons - staff of partners, educators - direct beneficiaries of the project), strengthening partnership relations between PL and NO, cooperation/trust level in the partnership, satisfaction with mobility, application of knowledge gained in the partnership.

The main challenge in the project was to respond to the 2018 update of the EU Council Recommendations on 8 key competences. 6 project results have been developed: (1) Methodology for training courses "Key competences for people 50+" with research part, (2) Digital competences course, (3) Literacy course, (4) Personal, social and learning to learn competences course, (5) Entrepreneurship course, (6) Guidelines for trainers/education providers for implementing and running courses on key competences for people 50+.
Developing the 6 RPIs with the support of the Norwegian Partner and making them available free of charge meets the objectives of the project. The final recipients may use the developed RPIs free of charge in their work: adult educators,- adult education institutions,- employers, and people over 50 e.g. as course participants.

Summary of bilateral results

Having an institution from the Donor States as a Partner benefited the project. Working together on the results, the exchange of experiences that took place especially during the meetings brought a lot of reflections and ideas, which were used by Deinde in the creation of the results. A particularly interesting issue was to face the understanding of key competences in Norway, where they are understood more as basic skills. Thus, a strong grounding of these competences in the practical dimension was felt, which was a great inspiration for educators from Poland. The Norwegian partner not only provided us with valuable tips and knowledge at the stage of preparing courses (especially syllabuses - i.e. the thematic scope of courses), but also gave us interesting tips for already prepared courses/syllabuses, which were an inspiration for Deinde and were largely taken into account in outcome 6. The 5 days of joint work of 6 educators in Norway, where each day was devoted to one of the 4 competences we worked on in the project, was very significant. The partner not only shared their knowledge, but also involved several other institutions, people who specialise in the topic (e.g. digital competences for older people, entrepreneurship among older people, practical literacy learning in the field, etc.).This joint work has been crucial in developing the themes of individual courses and understanding what from the Norwegian experience can inspire the creation of Deinde''s educational offer. The partners plan to continue their collaboration. They are also currently working together on another project on key competences, where the Norwegian partner has developed a literacy course quite from a Norwegian perspective, which Deinde plans to implement in its offer.The partners also exchanged contacts to local partners and information for further cooperation.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.