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The objective of the project is to create, thanks to transnational collaboration, conditions for improving the quality of education in Poland, through developing, making available and disseminating among staff involved in educational processes, a methodology for training in non-violent communication (NVC), along with tools for self-exercise. All based on gamification techniques to enhance user involvement and motivation, and to increase the sustainability and uptake of the results. Pla
nned number of recipients: 137 individuals.Planned activities: preparation of NCV methodology and tools in collaboration with partners. Tests on the target group. Optimisation of the project outputs by the partners. Dissemination (communication events) and implementation.
The project will produce a non-violent communication methodology including: introduction to effective communication and NVC, model behaviours, good practices, NCV training programme for people institutionally involved in working with children and youth (with particular emphasis on working with groups, communication in conflict situations, broadly understood diversity vis a vis effective communication). Another outcome will be a toolkit for self-directed NVC exercises - task sheets with a description of the exercise and materials to illustrate the topic (NVC alphabet).
Long-term benefits will include: open access to materials on non-violent communication, which will foster a paradigm shift in the relationship between the child and the adult, with particular emphasis on the institutional context; building awareness of emotions and needs, as well as empathy, which can become a foundation for the implementation of further educational solutions; building a culture of understanding across the spectrum of various needs and abilities, which will foster inclusion in education.
Summary of project results
Project activities were carried out with international partners, which included the development, testing, dissemination and implementation of the Nonviolent Communication Methodology and a training program for teachers and workers dealing with children, i.e. psychologists, educators and social workers. This program focused on promoting effective and appropriate communication , with particular emphasis on non-violent communication. The project was in line with the following priority areas: Developing inclusive education (inclusive education). Education based on individual needs and possibilities, open to dialogue and guaranteeing respect for boundaries and a sense of security. Inclusive education must be based on appropriate communication, including non-violent communication that is neither common nor automatically used. The project aimed to eliminate communication barriers, which translated into the well-being of children in the context of their care, through respect, empathy, understanding and attention. As part of the project, comprehensive material was prepared related to improving the qualifications of staff involved in institutional support and education of children in the area of non-violent communication (NVC). A comprehensive methodology was developed that introduced the issue, presented good practices and specific solutions, and also provided a framework training program for staff and extensive materials for independent exercises. During the entire project creation process, the number of participants using the above-mentioned methodology was 90 people. During the project, tests were also carried out in two groups of 12 people each. (24 people in total). After testing, all participants were assessed by their workplaces to determine whether their competence in nonviolent communication (NVC) had improved. 100% of participants received positive assessments in terms of increasing NVC competences. This confirms the effectiveness of the project and its positive impact on participants and their ability to communicate better in their workplaces.
The project produced 2 results of intellectual work: Result 1: Methodology of non-violent communication (NVC), including an introduction to the method, modeling behavior in the area of NVC practice along with techniques for consolidating new patterns, good practices, an example of a situation in a group work environment and the construction of statements along with an indication of the results, a training program in the field of NVC for people institutionally involved in working with children and youth. Result 2: Task flashcards for independent work: a set of tools for independent exercises in the field of NVC - task flashcards (70 sets) with an overview of the exercises and illustrative materials illustrating individual issues (NVC alphabet). Work on the IO included 5 stages: development of the concept, preparation of the substantive content of the draft version, graphic design and language correction, development of the test version after comments, tests on target groups, development of the final version of the materials, including the test report and consultations with partners.
The universality of the solution means that it can be implemented locally (school), as well as regionally or nationally (institutional and individual), in any form of contact with the child (lesson, extra-curricular activities, psychological support). It builds a culture of communication and understanding also in conflict and difficult situations, regardless of whether the other party also applies the NVC principles. The project has generated self-development tools that will be made available free of charge for NVC exercises to people professionally involved in working with children and youth. Training materials created as part of the project are made available on the website. Thanks to this, access to these resources remains open even after the end of the project, which enables their further use by participants as well as other people interested in the topic of non-violent communication in Polish NVC education.
The beneficiary plans to continue the series of trainings on topics that were explored and developed during the project. Thanks to this, the project leaves a lasting mark in the form of continuation of educational activities that further contribute to the development of participants'' knowledge and competences. Moreover, he will use the acquired knowledge and experience to conduct subsequent projects.
Summary of bilateral results
Collaboration with partners such as Empathos Partners and Nord University enabled an inspiring cultural exchange, providing the opportunity to understand cultural differences and approaches to learning and education. This partnership aided in gathering information about improving the quality of education, introducing new ideas, and teaching methods. During our study visits, we observed that in the Norwegian education system, the school hierarchy is usually quite flat, based on principles of equality and respect for both students and teachers. Norwegian elementary and secondary schools foster a partnership atmosphere, encouraging collaboration and shared responsibility. Collaborating with our partners led to intriguing cultural exchanges and helped us comprehend global markets and customer preferences. One of the characteristics of the Norwegian education system is the open and friendly relationship between teachers and students. Students are encouraged to express their opinions and participate in the teaching process. Teachers, in turn, strive to be accessible to students and are usually addressed by their first names, emphasizing the atmosphere of equality.We want to emphasize that we are pleased with many positive aspects of our business relationship. However, we have noticed that despite overall satisfaction with our collaboration, there were certain areas that did not entirely meet our expectations. This might be due to differences in expectations, levels of abstract and visionary thinking, or understanding our needs. We want to highlight that we are committed to building lasting and beneficial business relationships, so we are open to dialogue and finding shared solutions.