More information
The main objective of the project is a professional development of staff working in the area of ecological education. As part of the training, 20 teachers will raise their competences, in the field of including people with a slight degree of intellectual disabilities to their ecological education program. Based on experience and good practices used by TTB Association from Norway, we will create scenarios for integration workshops from ecological education, in which participation will be possible both for disabled and healthy people. Scenarios will then be sent to 50 ecological education centers in Poland and placed on the applicant''s website on a free license.
The goal will be achieved through a series of 5-day intensive training carried out by an experienced Norwegian trainer from the TTB Association organization. The total duration of the workshops will be 40 hours ( 5 days x 8 hours of training). The training will be carried out for 10 men''s leaders and 10 women''s leaders from 10 ecological organizations from the Silesian Province.
Trainer competence:
Mehman Ahmadli - is an experienced trainer specializing in: working with young people with mild disabilities, ecological education, environmental protection and youth rights with particular emphasis on disabled youth.
Two ecological teachers of the following organizations will take part in the project:
1. Stowarzyszenie „Ziemia i My Centrum Edukacji Ekologicznej, Dąbrowa Górnicza
2. Fundacja Park Śląski, Chorzów
3. Polskie Stowarzyszenie na rzecz Osób z Niepełnosprawnością Intelektualną Koło, Cieszyn
4. Fundacja na Rzecz Edukacji Ekologicznej Ekologia, Chełm Śląski
5. Fundacja Przyroda i Człowiek, Kroczyce
6. Fundacja Otoczeni Zielenią, Mikołów
7. Sląski Ogród Botaniczny, Mikołów
8. Fundacja Ekologiczna ARKA, Bielsko-Biała
9. Śląska Fundacja Pomoc Niepełnosprawnym, Chorzów
10. Spółdzielnia Socjalna Zielone Śląskie, Gliwice
Summary of project results
At the beginning of the project we organised an online meeting with the trainer to discuss the details of the training, to prepare presentations and necessary materials for the project participants.
A project website was created where information about the project were posted, published photos and scenarios created during the workshops -, also Facebook profile -
A 5-day intensive group trainings cycle was conducted. Each training day lasted 8 hours and included a coffee break and lunch. Classes were conducted in Gliwice, due to better accessibility for project participants, who could easily get to the designated place. Most classes were held outdoors, which allowed participants to get closer to nature, spend time in beautiful weather and perform exercises prepared by our Norwegian trainer.
In order to sum up activities, at the end of each day evaluation meetings were condicetd, where each participant could openly present his or her comments. Moreover, a competence test for participants was organized, which helped to realise how the project has influenced the participants, whether they have increased their knowledge on environmental education
After the trainings there were developed 4 graphic scenarios during the 2-day workshops. After substantive and graphic elaboration scenarios were made available on the project website, as well as sent to 50 organizations from all over Poland.