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Project ''Moving Minds- an Icelandic perspective on the innovative and inclusive secondary classroom practice'' focuses on professional development of staff of XXX Liceum Ogólnokształcące in Łódź, which is put into practice through organising and taking part into a five-day course designed and conducted by trainers of ''Smart teachers play more'' from Iceland.Our staff praticipation in an intensive professional training is a response to our school needs in the perspective of its further development, broadening educational offer, improving teaching and managing standards and teachers motivation to undertake new, ambitious actions. There is a milestone in a staff professional and personal development in European dimension. It is important to gain more professional experience thanks to a direct dialogue with the renown Icelandic trainers.
Goal of the intensive training session:
- to promote more active, inclusive and reflective learning environments in the secondary classroom
- to develop professional competences of the participants.The project title ''Moving Minds - an Icelandic perspective on the innovative and inclusive secondary classroom practice'' incorporates the idea of physical movement, which is key to our training, but also the psychological and emotional side of changing students'' and teachers`perspectives on teaching and learning, looking after our mental health and of course moving forward and improving.
The planned activities are based on the ''Smart Teachers Play More'' methodology. Specifically focused on: increasing well-being; positive communication; encouraging physical activity whilst learning; and recognising and building on student and teacher strengths. The course is designed by teachers for teachers and will not only transform the way practitioners teach but also the way they view teaching and learning. The activities are tried, tested and approved by students and teachers internationally.
Summary of project results
In the scoop of five-day intensive course the following sessions took place:
Day 1
< Introduction to Smart Teachers Play More.
< Ice breaking games.
< Introducing movement and outdoor activities into the secondary classroom - a new perspective.
< Leaving student and teacher comfort zones.
< Teachers observe and actively participate in a range of movement games in which academic objectives are taught.
< Using Drama and storytelling as a tool for inclusion within the classroom.
< Presentation of the Icelandic school system.
Day 2
< Strength training (coaching).
< Introduction to positive psychology to understand, appreciate, and develop your own and others'' strengths.
< Spot your strengths and the strengths of others.
< Understand your character strengths Learn how to work with strengths.
< Storytelling in the secondary classroom.
< Introduction to meditation and mindfulness in the classroom.
< Breathing.
< Relaxation.
< Positivity.
< Gratitude.
Day 3
< Popular game that can be used across the curriculum.
< Discussion: how teachers adapt the game to their subject area.
< Learn how to handle weaknessess.
Day 4
< Phisical activities.
< Exploring how to transform a text book exercise into an active game.
< Put your strengths into action.
< Using students’ strengths to enhance online learning.
< Practical examples from Icelandic secondary schools.
< Vision boards and goal setting, medium and long term vision planning.
Day 5
< Sessions focus on teacher health including fitness, yoga, meditation and relaxation close to nature in Uniejów.
< End of the training.
< Graduation ceremony.
< Certificate and course evaluation.
Day 1,2 and 3 of the course took place in Biblioteka Gdańska in Łódź, which provides a superb conference space. Day 4 was full of phisical activity in a studio ''Jogostan'' in Zgierz, which was rented on this occasion. Day 5 took place outside Łódź, in Uniejów, taking advantage of the local park space and a conference room in the Aparthotel.