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The project "International Perspectives on Inclusive Education" aims to establish a new partnership, which we assume will result in joint educational initiatives. The implementation of the project results from the need for the organization Gaudete Foundation from Poland to learn about activities in the field of inclusive education in the Norwegian organization. The problem is insufficient knowledge about the forms of inclusive education and the resulting need to learn about international solutions that will be transferred to the daily work of the organization. The problem addressed by the project is in line with the strategic plans of the organization and the mission of promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.
The aim of the project is to build institutional cooperation between the donor states (Norway) and the beneficiary states (Poland). The project aims to create a support network and exchange of experiences.The rationale for the project is to strengthen bilateral cooperation by establishing valuable contact with the Norwegian organization. The Parliament of Norway (Storting) expresses solidarity with marginalized people and strives to build a fair and cohesive society. Norway ranks high in terms of the global implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The government is prioritizing the inclusion goals "to leave no one behind" (Norway''s follow-up Agenda 2030).
Activities in the project include: I Preparation of language and tasks for the visit, II Implementation of the visit to Norway, III. Assessment of the achieved results, IV. Ensuring long-term benefits, dissemination, evaluation, V. Preparation of joint educational initiatives.A study visit was planned to the Terram Pacis organization in Norway. The mobility lasts 5 days and follows a set program.
Summary of project results
The activities undertaken as part of the completed Study Visit to Norway were directly related to the project''s objectives, which were achieved 100%. The Study Visit aimed to expand the knowledge base in the field of inclusive education. The visit to Norway enabled a better understanding of aspects of European policies on Inclusive Education (Inkluderende utdanning) - Education as one of the most important tools for fighting poverty. The visit allowed to experience education within an inclusive society. The host organization Furim Institutt imparted extensive knowledge, using an evidence-based approach to verify people''s needs and expectations and putting knowledge into practice. Participants learned examples of good practice in well-being-focused knowledge and innovative solutions to social challenges. Furim Institutt demonstrated the high quality of its research in describing the development of Norway''s welfare society. The activities carried out during the visit influenced the expansion of linguistic competence within the subject matter of the project. All the planned objectives of the Visit in terms of developing bilateral cooperation were achieved.
Summary of bilateral results
The project contributed to supporting institutions from Poland and organizations from Norway in establishing and strengthening contacts for starting new cooperation projects. There was an increase in competence in the area of education for social inclusion. The Study Visit enabled the participants to better understand the aspects of European policy on Inclusive Education and contributed to the implementation of the idea of an inclusive society in which people, regardless of differences in health, ability, background, are full members of the community, and their diversity is seen as a valuable resource for social and civilizational development. Cooperation with the Host Institution was rated as high as possible. The organizational culture fostered effective teamwork, with attention to openness, trust and respect. Project promoter reports that the impact of the study visit to Oslo goes far beyond the duration of the visit. The Study Visit to Norway was followed by the preparation of a joint project. The two organizations maintain contact and continue further cooperation.