The Child Wealfare and Education Gap

Project facts

Project promoter:
Family Center Foundation(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:


The Child Wealfare and Education Gap project will contribute to strengthening bilateral cooperation between the Donor States and the Beneficiary States. The project is a response to the lack of a culture of cooperation. The project responds to the need to build trust and overcome barriers to international cooperation.
The aim of the project is to establish a new partnership between institutions from Poland and Norway. The study visit aims to strengthen bilateral cooperation by establishing valuable contact with the Save a Child organization based in Trondheim.
Justification: The implementation of the project results from the need for the Family Center organization from Poland to learn about activities in the area of ​​Child Welfare Education in the Norwegian organization. The problem is the insufficient knowledge base on child welfare. The diagnosis of the situation in this space prompts us to take action. Hence the need to learn about new solutions that will be transferred to the daily work of the organization. The problem addressed by the project is in line with the strategic plans of the organization and the mission of the Family Center.
Number and profile of participants: 4 participants will take part in the project. Profile of participants - people involved in the activities of the Family Center Foundation, who work in similar areas of education on a daily basis. The project concerns raising the competences of the staff working for the well-being of children.
Description of planned activities. 1. Language and task preparation for the visit, 2. Implementation of the visit to the Save a Child institution in Norway, 3. Assessment of the achieved results in terms of gaining new knowledge and preparation for joint future activities, 4. Providing long-term benefits, dissemination.

Summary of project results

The activities undertaken as part of the Study Visit to Norway were directly related to the project objectives. The partner organization - Save a Child from Trondheim prepared an extensive program of the visit. Participants learned about examples of good practices in the area - child welfare education and expanded their knowledge of: the Norwegian Constitution, Convention on the Rights of Persons, Children Act and Child Welfare Act. Activities included the exchange of good practices - Education Gap, issues concerning the welfare of children and their families. Inclusive activities conducive to education, social inclusion, experience sharing were the subject of discussion. Activities included collecting information at Hovedbiblioteket. During the visit, teamwork on new ideas took place, as well as the identification of mutual areas of cooperation aimed at further projects. The visit made it possible to learn about activities including education, legal support, psychological assistance,and medical care in the field of child welfare education. During the visit, the competencies of the participants - staff working in the field of child welfare - were improved. In terms of the applicant''s institution, the visit contributed to the establishment of cooperation and resulted in the preparation of a joint new project. Monitoring of the project''s implementation was carried out as planned. The main objectives of the Study Visit were achieved 100%. In terms of professional development of the participants, the goal of the visit was to improve the competence of the staff of the organization working in the area of child welfare. Achievement of the goal was checked by a questionnaire determining the level of acquisition of Learning Outcomes.

Summary of bilateral results

Cooperation with the Host Institution was very good. The organization from the donor country - "Save a Child" based in Trondheim provided sufficient organizational and substantive support. The implementation of the project was characterized by a culture of cooperation, building trust and overcoming barriers to international cooperation. Extensive dissemination activities were implemented, carried out during and after the project. The purpose of dissemination activities is to optimize the value of the project, consolidate the results and increase the impact of the project. The target groups of the dissemination activities are staff working for the welfare of children, psychologists, trainers, mentors, parents, single parents, caregivers, social workers, organizations working together in the local environment. The effects of the visit extend far beyond the duration of the visit. The long-term impact includes the establishment of a new partnership between institutions from Poland and Norway, which has the potential for further cooperation.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.