IMMIGRANT-FRIEND - raising professional and key competences of Tri-city psychologists and pedagogues working towards eliminating social exclusion of children and youth from immigrant families

Project facts

Project promoter:
Institute for Knowledge and Competence(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Psykoterapi A. Wojciechowska(NO)


The project involves the organization of an intensive training on tools for working with young immigrants in the context of supporting the process of peer integration and education, dedicated to Gdynia psychologists, educators and guidance counsellors.
The main objective of the project is to raise the professional and key competences of 24 professional counsellors associated in the Gdynia Vocational Counsellors Network at the Psychological and Pedagogical Clinic No 1 in Gdynia and 22 pedagogues and psychologists associated in the Gdynia Supervision and Coaching Network at the Psychological and Pedagogical Clinic No 2 in Gdynia in transnational cooperation in the form of intensive training, through observation of methods of work on behalf of socially excluded children and youth in a workshop format.
The intensive training project is complementary to the project implemented by the bidder "CHILD IN THE CENTRE" (POWR.04.02.00-00-001/20 Within the framework of the project "CHILD IN THE CENTRE" the applicant provides support in the form of study visits in Spain and Germany to the same target group, to which he dedicates the intensive training (extended by 2 persons in the case of training) -44 people working directly for children and youth socially excluded or at risk of social exclusion caused by immigrant families. Within the scope of the study visits, psychologists, pedagogues and vocational counsellors will learn methods of integration through culture and participation in voluntary activities.
The topics of the training (support tools for the educational activation of pupils with an immigrant background and peer mediation, with a special focus on the work with pupils with an immigrant background) are in response to the need of the target group.

Summary of project results

The intensive training,according to the grant application,lasted 5 working days(completion date 14.02-18.02.2022),with 8 hours of workshop-based activities delivered each day.
Highlights of the programme included:
-introducing participants to the systemic support of young immigrants in Norway,in the form of a lecture(day I);
-developing a"Concept of School Cooperation with Immigrant Parents",in the form of workshops and brainstorming(day I);
-acquainting participants with methods of psychological work with Norwegian youth in the context of initiating peer integration with young immigrants,in the form of a lecture and scenario presentation(day II);
-cataloguing the fears of young people from the host country in their first contact with peers from immigrant families and methods of pedagogical work to overcome these fears-workshop(day II);
-familiarising participants with systemic forms of support for children and young people in Norway,with a special focus on immigrants-lecture(day III);
-supervision in the form of a study case-case study workshop(3)from the trainer''s professional practice(day III);
-supervision in the form of study case-case study workshops(10)from the professional practice of the participants(day IV);
-familiarising the target group with methods of psychological work with the family of a young migrant-lecture(day IV);
-acquiring competences for counteracting school bullying of young immigrants-workshops(day IV);
-presenting to the trainees the basic principles of working with the Non-Violent Communication(NVC)-lecture with workshop elements(day V);
-ways of using NVC in working with young migrants-workshop;
-working with a child/teenager with a language barrier-familiarising participants with non-verbal communication methods.
The training also included organisational activities-execution of pre-and post questionnaires,daily evaluations.The training ended with a debate among the participants-in the form of reverse brainstorming.

Summary of bilateral results

Cooperation with the trainer was exemplary - the parties made certain arrangements in the form of a contract, which they then fulfilled 100%. The trainer conducted the training in a stationary form, in addition, he was in constant contact with the applicant - both before and after the training. The trainer was also presented with the results of the evaluation.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.