Implementing inclusive policy to boost students'' physical activity and engagement in social life

Project facts

Project promoter:
District School Complex in Lędziny(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Framhaldsskolinn i Austur-Skaftafellssfslu(IS)


PZS in Lędziny is located in a small town with bad public transport connections. Students live in a closed local community, often have low self-esteem and low social skills. A large group of students do not show motivation to participate in classes and extracurricular activities, which results in poor academic and external exams results. This leads to the risk of social exclusion. We also observe the growing phenomenon of early school leaving. The pandemic situation made the problem even worse. The project "Implementing inclusive policy to boost students'' physical activity and engagement in social life" will help to find new solutions to the problems observed and prevent them in the future. The implementation of the project will contribute to improving competences of school employees by acquiring knowledge and skills in the field of stimulating students'' involvement in school life and physical activities. Based on experiences gained during cooperation with the Icelandic school FAS, including a study visit, an action plan will be developed and implemented to increase students'' motivation. 5 school employees (a representative of school management, a counselor/psychologist and three teachers) will participate in a 3-day study visit. The project, preceded by a thorough analysis of the school''s needs and teachers'' needs, will include elements of various nature and methodologies, including experience exchange, workshops, observations, job shadowing, open lessons and conferences. The main purpose of the visit is related to education aimed at increasing students'' involvement in school life and physical activity, as well as helping excluded, reserved and students with disabilities. The study visit will contribute to acquiring techniques and methods used in Iceland for activating students, pro-health prophylaxis and a well-developed model of organization and management of distance learning, including ICT tools.

Summary of project results

During the study visit all activities planned in the schedule were implemented. The participants of the visit got to know the FAS school and the Community Centre of Knowledge and Creativity Vöruhúsið, which closely cooperates with the school and provides young people with an opportunity to spend their spare time actively. The Centre runs courses to let students acquire additional skills. Moreover, hosts of the FAS school presented information on the organization and structure of the education system in Iceland. There was a meeting of the executives of both schools, during which principals exchanged experiences in the field of school management and undertaken activities aimed at improving qualifications and skills of teachers in the field of
inclusive policy. During the visit, teachers had an opportunity to observe lessons and talk to their colleagues from Icelandic schools as well as the students about the most effective methods of combining classroom teaching with distance learning and increasing involvement in physical activity. There was also a meeting with the student council, during which the chairman presented various forms of involving his schoolmates in school life. Teachers also participated in a workshop considering activating methods as well as a workshop on managing the distance learning system. According to the assumptions, there was also a meeting with the school counselor, who presented the model of work not only with students with special needs, but also the rules of recruitment to the school, promotion conditions and methods for involving students’ parents in the entire process. The participants of the visit also took part in meetings during which the assumptions of a program promoting a healthy lifestyle as well as a program of  the development of mountaineering were presented. During the summary meeting both the previous activities were evaluated and the forms of further cooperation  were planned.

Summary of bilateral results

Thanks to participation in the project and dissemination activities, the European dimension of the school was once again emphasized, which directly translated into the recruitment process and interest of eighth grade students in studying at our school. The participants of the project raised their competencies not only professionally, but also personally - improving the quality of group work, acting under pressure, etc.. Thanks to the newly learned activating methods, they introduced an element of freshness to their classes, thanks to which, despite the end of the school year, the attendance of students at classes was satisfactory. In the long term, it is planned to formalize the Volunteer Circle, which is actively involved in activities for people in need of help, or for people with disabilities. The Circle will work closely with the Student Government, thanks to which more students will become involved in activities for the benefit of others. Students with less developed social competencies will also be invited to join the Circle''s work - this will allow them to develop the aforementioned competencies, find their place in the school community and increase their self-confidence. During the discussions during the implementation of the study visit and after its completion, further joint activities for withdrawn students were planned. To a large extent, the focus was on activities promoting sports activities - representatives of both schools jointly came to the conclusion that the COVID pandemic has negatively affected the physical fitness of young people, and consequently reduced mental condition.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.