Enhancing knowledge and competences of midwifery students in perinatal mental health and mental health problems. “Midwives for mental health””

Project facts

Project promoter:
Poznan University of Medical Sciences(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Parents and Children''s Centre in Iceland(IS)


Depression in pregnant women and postnatal depression affect women''s wellbeing, their relationship with their child and the functioning of the whole family. Since 2019, it has been the responsibility of midwives to determine the risk of depression and the severity of its symptoms in accordance with the standards of perinatal care. The aim of the proposed project is to develop a teaching program for midwifery students in the field of perinatal mental health disorders (PMHP). The development of midwife education will contribute to social inclusion of people with PMHP and their social and professional integration thanks to the improvement of the quality of perinatal care. As part of the project, new educational methods and tools will be developed, a depression screening tool will be adapted, and innovative research will be carried out. The midwives'' education will take into account the impact on both young mothers and young fathers, benefiting the social inclusion of entire families.

Summary of project results

With the increasing number of people affected by mental disorders in the perinatal period, one of the duties of the person providing care to pregnant and postpartum women is to "assess the risk and severity of depressive symptoms." In order for such assessment to be carried out properly, midwives need a theoretical and practical basis. The project has developed a curriculum for two editions of a course for midwifery students, adapted a tool to help midwives screen for depression (ANRQ scale), conducted a novel survey of fathers, developed scenarios, prepared multimedia presentations, and written a comprehensive compendium of mental health in the perinatal period.

The project has developed a curriculum for two editions of a course for midwifery students, adapted a tool to help midwives screen for depression (ANRQ scale), conducted a novel survey of fathers, developed scenarios, prepared multimedia presentations, and written a comprehensive compendium of mental health in the perinatal period. All the aforementioned results are available for free download from the project website. Scientific articles were prepared related to the broad topic of mental health in the perinatal period, knowledge and attitudes of midwifery students and midwives in the area of mental health, articles for young parents, introducing the topic of mental disorders occurring in the perinatal period in mothers and fathers, and a scientific article outlining modern educational methods used in the education of midwifery and medical students, a two-day educational conference was organized, a book of conference abstracts, downloadable from the project website. Workshops aimed at midwifery students and practicing midwives were organized. Members of the project took part in a broadcast on Radio Poznań, talking about the assumptions of the project and introducing listeners to the problem of PMHP in mothers and fathers. Disseminated the theme of the project and the problem of PMHP on parenting portals, choosing those observed by large groups of young parents. Numerous speeches were made at international and educational conferences, introducing participants to the PMHP issue and introducing the idea of implementing the EEA funds. Among the unintended outcomes, it is important to mention the familiarization of team members from the Donor country side with working in simulated conditions. Among the unintended results, it is necessary to mention familiarization of team members from the Donor country side with work in simulated conditions, organization of the Medical Simulation Center of the Poznan University of Medical Sciences, scenarios, principles of high-fidelity simulation.

The course program for students is innovative by including elements based on international cooperation, the use of the most modern teaching techniques, taking into account the difficulties midwives encounter in their daily work. Additionally, the use of modern education techniques - simulated / standardized patient - together with the development of scenarios, allows their use as part of the curriculum at every medical university in Poland that has a medical simulation center.
Moreover, as part of the project, a study was conducted on fathers in the perinatal period - no research has been conducted on this group so far. As part of the Project implementation, a group of nearly 500 men was surveyed using questionnaires intended for this purpose. The publication of the results of this study will constitute valuable advice for people caring for young parents and will contribute to reducing the social exclusion of this group and better understanding the needs of fathers in the context of protecting their mental health in the perinatal period.


Summary of bilateral results

Cooperation with an institution from the Donor State (Iceland) enabled members of the Polish team to become familiar with the mental health care system for parents and children and the organization of the health care system in Iceland. This type of cooperation has led to increased knowledge and understanding of the organization of care that is different than in our country. The presentation by the leader of the Donor country of how to provide care for pregnant women in Iceland, in terms of mental health protection, allowed for broadening knowledge in the field of conducting meetings at individual stages of pregnancy, with a precise division into follow-up visits in specific weeks of pregnancy.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.