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Media competences are recognized as crucial in the modern world. There are no systemic solutions for shaping media competence of teachers and preparing them for the development of these competences among students. The aim of the project is to improve the quality and adapt the educational offer at many levels of education by developing: 1 tool for diagnosing students'' media competence, 3 training programs and 1 postgraduate program for teachers, and recommendations for changes in the Polish media education system students and teachers through the project of an integrated education system in the field of media education in all types and levels of schools until VI 2022. The tool for diagnosing students'' competences as well as new post-graduate programs and training will allow to improve the quality and adapt the educational offer. The recommendations can be used by entities responsible for designing the education system and contribute to the increase in the level of media education.
Summary of project results
Media competencies are recognised as crucial in today''s world. Their importance and the need to develop national media education programmes are highlighted in the recommendations of the Council of Europe and the European Parliament to member states. The European Parliament resolution on media literacy in the digital environment (2008/2129(INI)) emphasises that media education should be part of formal education, to which all children should have access. It also should be an integral part of the curriculum at every level. It recommends that educational establishments support creating media products involving students and teachers as a means of practical media literacy training. In addition, it recommends that compulsory modules on the pedagogical aspects of media be included in the training frameworks of all teachers at every level of education in order to achieve a rich training programme and calls on the competent national authorities to familiarise teachers with all specialities and types of school with the use of audiovisual teaching aids and with issues relating to media education. Polish education lacks systemic solutions for shaping teachers'' media competencies and preparing them to develop these competencies in students. The aim of the project was to improve the quality and adaptation of the educational offer by developing: 1 tool for diagnosing pupils'' media competencies, three training programmes and one programme of postgraduate studies for teachers in the field of media education, and recommendations for changes in the Polish system of media education of pupils and teachers. The developed results contribute to improving the quality of media education and are elements of a coherent system. The tool for diagnosing pupils'' competencies for different age groups allows teachers to make an independent diagnosis of their pupils'' media competencies and, on this basis, adjust the further shaping of their media competencies. It makes education more individualised and increases its effectiveness. The teacher training programmes improve competencies in the most needed areas (creative media use, critical reception of media and crisis management). The prepared postgraduate studies programme allows for training educators dealing with media education. It is an element of broader recommendations for changes in the Polish media education system.
Summary of bilateral results
During the implementation of this project, the Partner proved to be a reliable institution with human and technical resources to implement projects related to modern technologies and media. That is why NTNU was invited to cooperate in the implementation of the project on media education. Analyzing the phenomenon in Poland and designing nationwide solutions, the research team considered it advisable to involve an external Partner, thanks to which it was possible to:use the solutions applied in a country more technologically advanced and with a greater saturation of social use of modern technologies than in Poland- become acquainted with the possibilities of supporting media education at the state level and at the level of the university, which is the institution implementing the project- establish cooperation with researchers in the field of media competence from abroad.Having a Partner from the Donor States was crucial for assessing the quality of the achieved results and obtaining an external perspective, very important in research and research and development activities, and such was, among others, development of recommendations for the ministry, development of research tools, development of the substantive content of training for teachers. Contacts were established with scientists dealing with the subject of media education from the implementing institution and the Partner''s institution.The cooperation broadened the knowledge and understanding of the conditions of education in the field of media education in Poland and Norway - on both sides, scientifically involved in this subject.The Partner took part in educational online activities on media competence in Poland – we developed together a cross-media journalistic material.