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The goal is to develop an innovative professional course in the field of security, based on our Norwegian partner''s experience and practice. Participants: officers of various types of services. Activities: development and implementation of an innovative vocational training program, development and implementation of innovative teaching methods, implementing in Poland the solutions adopted in Norway, testing the solutions, implementation of a ready course program. The innovative officers training program will directly affect and increase the citizens security. The project is innovative at the European scale. So far, in our field, there have been no attempts to implement the officers professional development program with in cooperation with of Norway . Currently such trainings, addressing similar topics, are done only in the USA and Israel.The outcome will be the execution, testing and provision of the innovative training in crisis response.
Summary of project results
The project is a response to new educational needs resulting from the variability of new threats in the field of human security and insufficient knowledge of people responsible for security. During the implementation, we analyzed the mechanisms of new threats and tested new methods and tools that can be used when creating a new type of course. As a result of the research, it was found that the following innovations will be implemented:
- software and methodological innovations,
-TCCC as a new form of medical training adapted to the current needs of the target group,
-using a CCTV system consisting of 4 cameras and a recorder, thanks to which the instructor can recreate the behavior of the training participant from all sides (360 degrees),
-fire techniques that were created after analyzing real situations of using weapons,
- a system of work with a participant of the TLS type,
- hybrid training mode
Then, the scripts with the content were made and attached in the e-learning system. The scripts served as the substantive basis for the construction of the finished product. The end product of the project is an e-learning course that brings together all the project outcomes.
The project also contributed to the improvement of professional skills of people participating in the test groups. Increased knowledge on the example of two modules:
1.Module I, a comparison of the means of the studied group: the increase in knowledge after participation in the training was on average 64.86%.
2nd module - comparison of the means of the studied group from the theoretical test: the average before participation in the training was 9.92% of the supported answers; the average after participation in the training was 81.21%;
-a comparison of the average of the studied group from practical exercises: the increase in the group''s skills after participation in the training was 67.71%.
The results and experiences developed during the project will have a long-lasting impact at the national level. The created training program and experience will be permanently introduced into the company''s offer. We successfully promote the developed new and innovative methods and techniques during exercises in which the company participates. The e-learning portal will be monitored on an ongoing basis and supplemented with new content and elements that result from the constantly changing environment in which we live.
Summary of bilateral results
Common solving of the challenges in the project has led to a mutual increase in the knowledge of the content. Participation in the project contributed to the large development of the staff, which acquired new competences and professional skills, and also increased the level of independence in carrying out tasks. We could get to know a different culture and mentality. The project led to mutual understanding in terms of behavior and form of work. The Applicant and the Partner will use the project results and acquired skills in their professional work. Through the substantive contribution and Norwegian experience in the field of our project, we were able to thoroughly analyze the problem and complete a course that is adequate to the new threats. We estimate the level of satisfaction with the cooperation at 100% (Partner-Applicant, Applicant-Partner). The added value of cooperation is the fact that we will jointly carry out other projects at EU level and that we have developed permanent cooperation in the field of training.