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Mobility of staff and students in higher education (HE)
Summary of project results
The project assumed the implementation of 8 outgoing mobilities of students of the University of Silesia in Katowice (US) for exchange studies at 4 partner universities: University of Iceland (UI, Iceland), University of Bergen UB, (Norway), University of South-Eastern Norway (USEN, Norway) and the University of Oslo (UO, Norway)
Due to the difficult epidemic situation and the resignations caused by it - a total of 4 qualified SMS participants withdrew from the mobility -, despite the supplementary recruitment, a total of 7 student outgoing mobilities for exchange studies were accomplished in the project: 3 mobilities to UB, 2 mobilities to UI and 2 mobilities to USEN. Out of 3 outgoing student mobilities that could not be completed earlier than in the second (summer) semester of the academic year 2021/2022, which was the last possible date, as a result of the resignation of one of the qualified participants, only 2 mobilities were completed.
The project assumed the implementation of 4 outgoing mobilities of employees of the US. Due to the difficult epidemic situation, long-term suspension of the exchange and long-term, actual suspension of activities related to foreign cooperation by partner universities, as well as due to the actual withdrawal of the UB from cooperation under the project (in the academic year 2021/2022, after accomplishing 3 individual, incoming student mobilities in the 2020/2021 academic year), the US agreed with partner universities the possibility of 2 outgoing mobilities for employees of the US: 1 mobility to the USEN (February 1-4, 22) and 1 mobility to the UI (March 15-18, 22). Due to the epidemic situation and its consequences, the plans were not fully implemented. Out of 4 planned outgoing mobilities of employees, 2 were carried out.
The project assumed the implementation of 5 long-term, student mobilities for exchange studies of students from partner universities to the US and 4 visits of employees. Due to the epidemic situation, the results of recruitment at partner universities: UB, UI and USEN (UO withdrew from the project implementation before the start of the exchange) allowed for only 1 student mobility to the US (UI student, mobility accomplished in the winter semester 2021/2022) and 1 visit of the USEN employee and 1 visit of the UI employee.
Summary of bilateral results
The University of Iceland (UI) is the only Icelandic partner university of the University of Silesia within the Erasmus + Program, the Education Program and other international educational exchange programs. The University of Bergen (UB) and the University of South-Eastern Norway (USEN) are 2 of the 6 Norwegian partner universities under these programs. During the implementation of this project, as part of the exchange with universities in these countries, a total of 18 exchanges were carried out, including 7 student mobility (all under this project), 8 staff mobility (including 2 under this project), 1 student mobility (under this project) and 2 visits of employees (both within this project).The project significantly contributed to the maintenance of cooperation with universities from Iceland and Norway, despite very difficult conditions for the implementation of educational exchange in the academic years 2020/2021 and 2021/2022.