More information
The goal of the program is change in education. In the future, our program will contribute to improving the quality of life, reducing disparities and strengthening Polish-Icelandic relations in education. We will strengthen human potential and knowledge in Poland. The host "Art of Living Iceland" is an exemplary educational institution in Rejkiavik for years running programs improving the quality of life through adapted yoga tools, breathing exercises, mindfulness and management of emotions and stress for students, teachers and parents. Art of Living will welcome 5 people from Found. for a 5-day study visit. The specialists of the Foundation will go to observe and learn how Art of Living programs in Iceland work, what are the effects of their introduction and I cooperate with schools and educational institutions. We would like to bring and adapt to Polish conditions successful methods and have a positive impact on the quality of life of all those covered by the Art of Living program.
Summary of project results
September 15-19, 2021, Art of Living Iceland welcomed 4 people from the Foundation for a 5-day study visit.
The trainers and members of Management went to observe the classes, work with children at school and learn how Art of Living programs work in Iceland, what are the effects of their implementation and cooperation with schools.
The project started in July 2021 and a study visit took place in Sept. 2021.
Before leaving, the Foundation chose the participants based on their knowledge and motivation to work on the Foundation''s later projects.
Visit program:
14/09/2021 - arrival in Reykjavik
09/15/2021 Day 1 - Visiting the Art of Living center and meeting with the management and trainers.
From the south we had a visit to the "Menntaskolinn Vid Hamrahlid" secondary school in Reykjavik, where we participated in breathing classes for young people and we attended a meeting with the management and educational coordinator.
09/16/2021 Day 2
- Introduction to Art of Living Iceland programs
- Observation and participation in the workshop "Happiness program" part 1
09/17/2021 Day 3
- Observation and participation in the workshop "Happiness program" part 2
- Meeting with representatives of the Addiction Treatment Center - a conversation about how Art of Living programs support therapy
- Breathing and yoga workshops for trainers
09/18/2021 Day 4
- Observation and participation in the "Happiness program" workshops, part 3
- Lunch with the participants and a conversation about the impact of the workshops on the life and well-being
- Expedition to the mountains and exercises in mindfulness and breathing in the field
19/09/2021 Day 5
- Meetings and talks between members of both organizations - Integration workshops, exchange of experiences.
- Working on subsequent joint projects and planning approved partnership projects.
During the study visit, the results of the 2nd edition of the education program were announced and we are now starting 2 new projects with Art of Living Iceland!
Summary of bilateral results
September 15-19, 2021, Art of Living Iceland welcomed 4 people from the Foundation for a 5-day study visit.The trainers and members of Management went to observe the classes, work with children at school and learn how Art of Living programs work in Iceland, what are the effects of their implementation and cooperation with schools.The project started in July 2021 and a study visit took place in Sept. 2021.Before leaving, the Foundation chose the participants based on their knowledge and motivation to work on the Foundation''s later projects.During the study visit, the results of the 2nd edition of the education program were announced and we are now starting 2 new projects with Art of Living Iceland!