More information
The project is a typical educational project whose main aim is to get to know with the specifics of prison education in Norway. We want to see how prison educators work with adult inmates in Norway, what methods they use in their educational process and most of all we want to put emphasis on getting to know with e-learning practises which are used in Norwegian reality (the reason behind it is that e-learning in Polish prison education practically does not exist). We are planning to send 4 people who are active prison educators in Poland and who ona daily basis educate Polish prisoners. We are planning to take active part in educational activities and share good practises with colleagues from Norway, get to know with new elelments of prison education and (if possible) we will want to plant them on our Polish ground. We trust that the new techniques and teaching methods (at least some of them) will work out in Polish reality.
Summary of project results
The aim of the Study Visit was to enable the staff working for prisoners to get to know new, alternative methods of education, to learn about the Norwegian penitentiary system and the prison education system in this country.
The project was implemented in accordance with the approved scope and schedule. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the project implementation period was changed to a later period. The project included a 5-day Study Visit to the Host Institution "Fylksmannen and Vestland" from Norway, which was attended by 4 participants from the Beneficiary Institution. The Receiving Institution is a government agency that organizes educational activities in penitentiary facilities around Oslo. Thanks to the visit, Polish prison educators had the opportunity to learn about the specifics of prison education in Norway, as well as directly observe how colleagues from Norway work with inmates. During their stay, it was possible to visit three penitentiary units, thanks to which the participants of the Study Visit could experience directly what working conditions Norwegian prison educators have and how prison education is organized on a daily basis. Thanks to participation in the Study Visit, they had the opportunity to acquire new skills and competences that they will use precisely from working with prisoners in Poland.
Summary of bilateral results
As a result of the implementation of the Visit, the convicts will benefit from the more effective work of their educators (participants of the Study Visit), as they will present greater opportunities and a wider range of working methods. Thanks to participation in the Study Visit, they had the opportunity to acquire new skills and competences that they will use from working with convicts. Information about the project and the Visit itself was disseminated in many ways (website of the Beneficiary, website of the Prison Service, articles). Additionally, as a result of joint talks between the institutions, there is a good chance for continuation of further cooperation and implementation of new projects.