Inclusive education without borders-Poland-Iceland

Project facts

Project promoter:
Maria Curie Sklodowska University(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Pólski Skólinn í Reykjavík(IS)


The purpose of the project is to improve competencies of the teaching staff training future teachers through the exchange of experiences pertaining to inclusive education between specialists from Poland and Iceland and to extend cooperation between the institutions. The employees of the Faculty of Education and Psychology are to participate in the study visit in the Polish School in Reykjavik.During the visit the participants will get acquainted with the functioning of the institution,they will also conduct workshops for teachers and parents,as well as diagnose students in the area of special educational needs.The conclusions from the undertaken study visit and conducted research will be disseminated upon return in the form of research report,meetings with Polish schools,and meetings at the home university.Research findings will be used to introduce changes in training teachers and to implement new solutions as regards providing support to students with special educational needs.

Summary of project results

The main goal of the project is to increase the competence of teaching staff educating future teachers through the exchange of experience between specialists from Poland and Iceland in the field of inclusive education, as well as to expand cooperation between Polish and Icelandic institutions in this area. As part of the project, 3 employees of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology participated in a study visit to the Polish School in Reykjavik. The participants of the visit acquired new knowledge and developed professional competencies necessary to work with students with special educational needs, especially those related to working with families, with children with ADHD, emotional and behavioral disorders, with developmental dyslexia. There was an exchange of experience on the psychosocial and social functioning of students in inclusive education. Participants gained knowledge on diagnosis with SEN students and working with them. Surveys were conducted among students with SEN in Poland and Iceland and compared with studies conducted in Norway on their psychosocial and social functioning in inclusive education. Proposals were prepared for changes in the teaching degree programs at the UMCS, which were positively reviewed at the WZJK. A research report was prepared and made available on the website of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, which is the basis for a scientific article that will include comparative results obtained from respondents from Poland, Iceland and Norway (under project EOG/19/K1/D1/W/0011 implemented with a Norwegian institution). Constant email contact was maintained with the Host Institution with regard to the feasibility of the project''s substantive (these remained unchanged) and timing assumptions (changed several times since the beginning of the project due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic). Monitoring of project implementation was carried out both at the level of cooperation with the Host Institution and internally at the University. As part of the project, dissemination activities were undertaken in the local, scientific and school environments with simultaneous promotion of the EEA Funds. The dissemination activities had a regional scope. However, the participation of students who come from different regions of Poland allows us to assume that the range of impact of dissemination events will be greater.

Summary of bilateral results

Further cooperation of a long-term nature was discussed with the host institution. It is planned to sign an agreement under which the school and the university will increase the quality of education (plans for further cooperation were developed). In the near future, it is planned to consult the obtained research results in order to plan educational activities for SEN students in Poland and Iceland.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.