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AIM: creating a platform for cooperation between institutions operating in a similar environment in Poland and Norway,
• presentation of an exhibition of Norwegian crafts at the Masovian Museum in Płock;
• a multimedia exhibition, during which will be presented, among others new works commissioned for the project by international artists (Grzegorz Rogala, Victoria Sara Davis and Leigh Singer), successively in Płock and Hamar. The exhibition will be accompanied by shows of Polish and Norwegian animations (including an Anita Killi retrospective); program of 5 performative activities during the inauguration of exhibitions in Kunstbanken in 2023 and 2024;
• organization of two international Performance Festivals in Płock and Hamar, accompanied by a rich program of artistic events and educational activities (including lectures, discussion panels, presentations, seminars, meetings with artists, workshops on performing arts for schools);
Workshops and seminars:
• implementation of workshops conducted by VestAndPage for young artists in Poland and Norway;
• an extensive educational program, including a series of 7 workshops supporting the cultural competences of recipients inspired by the works of Themersons (the so-called "Themerson workshops" in Płock dedicated to various groups of recipients (including children, with the participation of the Roma minority);
• 9 workshops in Norway (workshops for schools, creative workshops, workshops for immigrants);
• 2 entrepreneurship development seminars;
• 2 partner meetings during the project;
• 2 artistic residencies in Norway;
Actions for people with disabilities:
• 4 guided tours of the exhibitions in Płock for the blind;
Poland: Płock
Norway: Hamar
Summary of project results
Beneficiary of the project has diagnosed the following needs in the culture sector, both in Poland and Norway: - lack of knowledge of contemporary art and the need to challenge the perspective (demystification) of looking at contemporary art as an exclusive and socially incomprehensible activity. The project offer shall be fully inclusive for recipients with different competences (low availability threshold) - through workshops, introductory lectures; - internationalization of European culture - the need to popularize Norwegian art in Poland (Performance Festival, exhibitions of Norwegian crafts) and Polish art in Norway (promotion of Themersons'' heritage); - reaching a diverse group of recipients (various forms of activities); - ensuring opportunities for artists to create new works (3 commissioned works) and present them during international events; - creating a meeting platform for recognized artists of international reputation and artists of young generation (main program and offstage during the Performance Festival in Płock); - cultural and artistic education among young generation (workshops / animations for children); - the necessity to professionalize the cultural sector (entrepreneurship seminars); - the need to include excluded people in the cultural offer - social inclusion and promotion of diversity (minorities, people with disabilities - special dedicated tours have been planned during the project); - promotion and increasing of interest in the art of new technologies (multimedia exhibitions); - development of an international network of institutional and artistic cooperation (educational performance art workshops VestAndPage due to the reputation can attract foreign participants); - enhancing intercultural dialogue; - local development of peripheral cities in the context of the possibility of presenting the cultural offer at a high artistic level (Płock and Hamar are centers located more than 100 km away from large centers (i.e. Warsaw and Oslo), and their inhabitants have limited access to cultural events).
The project WAS implemented for a year, in the period April 2023 - March 2024, and the program of events was provided for the organization of activities in regions with lower access to culture, located outside large centers, both in Poland (Płock) and Norway (Hamar). Within the project the following activities, actions and events were implemenyted: organization of two international Performance Festivals in Płock and Hamar, which will be accompanied by a rich program of artistic events and educational activities (such as lectures, discussion panels, presentations, seminars, meetings with artists, performing arts workshops for schools); - implementation of workshops conducted by VestAndPage for young artists in Poland and Norway; - presentation of an exhibition of Norwegian crafts at the Mazovian Museum in Płock; - Multimedia Exhibition, during which will be presented, among others new artistic works commissioned for the project produced by international artists (Grzegorz Rogala, Victoria Sara Davis and Leigh Singer) successively in Płock and Hamar. The exhibition will be accompanied by screenings of Polish and Norwegian animations (incl. the retrospective of Anita Killi); - an extensive educational program, including a series of 7 workshops supporting the cultural competences of recipients inspired by the works of Themersons - the so-called "Themerson workshops" in Płock dedicated to various groups of recipients (incl. children, with the participation of the Roma minority) and 9 workshops in Norway (workshops for schools, creative workshops, workshops for immigrants); - 4 guided tours of the exhibitions in Płock for the blind; - 2 art residencies in Norway; - a program of 5 art performances during the openings of exhibitions in Kunstbanken in 2023 and 2024; - 2 seminars on entrepreneurship development and 2 partner meetings.
There are following results achieved within the implementation of the projets:- showing contemporary performative arts at a high artistic level and increasing the knowledge about them among as wide and diverse audience as possible; - increasing the visibility of the project through the internationalization of the event (participation of internationally renowned artists); - getting to know each other artists and institutions from Poland and Norway - creating a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience, networking (for artists it will be the language of art that overcomes barriers imposed by external circumstances, gives freedom to create and is the most desirable and effective way to achieve success in communication). The festival as a meeting place for the academic community and a discussion forum for artists, theorists, academics, critics and mediators; - active involvement of local communities in Płock and Hamar (workshops) and mobilizing them to participate in the offer cultural (during Performance Festivals the audience will be able to meet the artists and talk to them, witness and participate in discussions, learn about artistic places and initiatives in Norway, Poland); - increasing the knowledge about the cultural heritage of minority groups; - wide and free access to the effects of the project - increasing attendance at cultural events / free catalogues on Festivals/exhibitions; - sustainability of the project and long-term impact: the cultural offer includes new qualities and is broader in scope of previous activities of the partners.
Within the project:
- 140 artistic events were carried out as a result of cooperation with partner institution under the project (1 music and performing arts events, 99 fine arts and visual arts events, 1 event dedicated to cultural heritage, 2 events dedicated to the creative sector, 26 cultural and artistic education events, 4 events aimed at the inclusion of ethnic and national minorities, 5 events improving the cultural competences of audiences);
-15739 people attended the cultural and artistic events organized by the project
- 55 professional staff were trained
- 52897 promotional materials were prepared
The place of the implementation location: Płock, Hamar
Summary of bilateral results
The participation and role of the partner during the project period was in accordance with the assumptions made in the grant application and the Partnership Agreement. The partnership between the Mazovian Museum in Plock and Kunstbanekn Hamar fully contributed to the achievement of the assumed objectives and results of the project and the strengthening of bilateral relations. - Substantive role of the partner:Concept and curatorial supervision of the Performance Festival in Hamar, an exhibition of Norwegian crafts in Poland, recommendation of Norwegian animations, preparation of assumptions and selection of artists participating in artistic residencies in Norway, creation of an educational program in Norway (workshops); co-creation of the concept of VestAndPage workshops in Norway, selection of performing arts artists for presentation of activities during exhibition openings at Kunstbanken in 2023 and 2024, concept of a seminar on entrepreneurial development for Kunstbanken board and staff. - Partner''s organizational role:Coordination and supervision of the implementation of activities in Norway (appointment of a team to manage activities on the Norwegian side), organization of the partnership meeting in Norway, conducting information and promotion activities. Provide substantive and financial content for reporting reports.- Financial role:Provide financial contribution to the project.