The art of flying - promoting cultural diversity, developing audiences potential, exchanging knowledge and creativity between artists from Norway and Poland

Project facts

Project promoter:
Foundation Development Ladder(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Simon Olderskog Albertsen(NO)



The goal is to develop cultural collaboration between artists and improve access to art for cultural life participants through exchange of knowledge and good practices between artists from Norway and Poland.


  • improve access and level of knowledge about culture, promotion of culture and active lifestyle;
  • improve attractiveness of the foundation''s offer as an innovative, interdisciplinary and international venue;
  • facilitate access to culture for the economically disadvantaged persons, immigrants, refugees, persons with disabilities, seniors.


  • the art of Jazz - online with the goal of presenting experience and knowledge about musical instruments;
  • workshops on the production of materials using innovative 360 technology and virtual reality;
  • workshops dedicated to the fairy tale therapy;
  • 18 concerts;
  • mural art - classes on social integration through modern visual art.


Poland: Ostroleka

Norway: Oslo, Stjordal



Summary of project results

There were problems related to the epidemic situation and the 4th wave of Covid-19 cases - some activities had to be postponed. Project implementation extended until 31.12.2022.  Budget line 8.9 Wings of Innovation, remuneration of workshop leader for the production of 360 and VR multimedia material - implementation Partner: Due to time constraints, the partnership has agreed that the Leader will deliver an additional 90 hours of workshops, which will benefit project participants and impact on activities related to improving access to culture and the arts.

1/ concerts of the project were held in the Multimedia Natura Centre in Ostroleka, including: the Piateau concert (X.2021), attended by 54 people - the concert report can be viewed on YouTube - number of views - 1,353; the Chłopcy z Placu Broni concert (XI.2021). Due to the aggravation of the epidemic situation the concert was an online event streamed live, number of viewers 13,489; Luis Nubiola and Los Cubanitos concert (IV.2022r) - attended by 197 people: Jan Ptaszyn Wróblewski concert (IV.2022) - attended by 134 people, a report from the concert can be viewed on YouTube: CHEMIA concert (IV.2022) - attended by 81 people; Monika Borzym concert (V.2022 ) - attended by 200 people; Stryjo Nikola Kołodziejczyk concert (V.2022) - attended by 200 people; Piotr Wojtasik Quintet concert (V.2022) - attended by 206 people: Anna GADT TRIO concert (VIII.2022) (attended by 112 people): Marek Konarski Quartet concert (X.2022) - attended by 206 people, Filip Lato concert (XI.2022) - attended by 123 people; Plateau concert (XII.2022) - attended by 80 people. Concerts organised by Partners: Bushman''s Revenge (5 concerts) - attended by 1,012 people; Simon Olderskop Albertsen (3 concerts) - attended by 460 people. A total of 17,887 audience members attended the concerts (including online streaming). 

2/ Workshops, including: a. 200 h of 380 and VR multimedia production workshops - education using 360 cameras. HTC goggles, Oculus and a unique 360-shaped cinema room, attended by 20 people; b. 174 h of ART storytelling workshops - interdisciplinary activities combining literature and psychology attended by 20 people; c. 200 h of Mural Art workshops - attended by 20 people. Workshop activities on the themes of nature conservation, multiculturalism, integration and tolerance aimed at social integration through the use of modern visual art. 

3/ 12 episodes of The art of jazz were produced. The online recordings present the history and use of musical instruments, such as the piano, drums and saxophone, as well as methods of playing jazz based on individual cultural aspects of Poland and Norway. 

4/ A music studio development specialist was involved in the project. The specialist took care of the development of the entrepreneurial strategy and the building of new collaborations with the music sector internationally during the project. 
5/ Volunteers (8 people) assisted with The art of Jazz events. concerts and workshops for a total of 3,900 h.

As part of the project implementation, a website was created: On the project website and on the website of the Multimedia Natura Centre - and a promotional and information campaign was carried out on an ongoing basis by adding content on further progress from the project. Posters and placards about the ongoing project were developed. printed and placed in the office and classrooms. Social media posts and posters promoting concerts organised as part of the project were posted. As part of the promotional campaign, information promoting the project was posted on social media (instagram and facebook). Promotion also took place on the radio, on yotube, on the leader''s and partner''s media websites. Promotion specialist at 500 h - this person, among other things, ran the promotion and information campaign on the project website, developed and published promotional posts on the social media profiles of the Ladder of Development Foundation and the Multimedia Nature Centre, cooperated with the project Partners on promotional activities as well as with the media and the project team. The project implementation included: 1.project opening conference (68 people) devoted to the dissemination of information on the implemented project. 2. a conference with an exhibition of products - photos, videos - attended by 80 people. 3. closing conference of the project, attended by 80 people. The conference was devoted to a summary of the project''s activities, discussion of old and further actions, and the opening of an exhibition of concerts realised as part of the project. During the project implementation period, the content of the project website and the Partners'' website was updated on an ongoing basis.

Summary of bilateral results

Partners from Norway developed 6 scripts and recorded 6 episodes for events - The art of Jazz Ongoing online meetings were held to discuss ways of cultural cooperation between artists from Poland and Norway through exchange of knowledge, good practices. The partnership aimed to develop cultural cooperation between artists and improve access to art for participants in cultural life through exchange of knowledge, good practices between artists from Norway and Poland. The partners played a total of 8 concerts in Poland. The partnership has resulted in the implementation of business and audience development strategies by strengthening the cultural competences of audiences and developing the skills of staff (MCN). The Partners'' participation in the project has contributed to the deepening of cooperation, including in the field of cultural heritage management and entrepreneurship between Poland and Norway. The exchange of experience, good practices, sharing and transfer of knowledge contributed to strengthening the competences and skills of professionals in the cultural and heritage sector, as well as the competences of the leader''s and partners'' staff.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.