More information
The project focuses on preparing and designing cultural events for the 14th and 15th edition of the Mastercard OFF CAMERA International Festival of Independent Cinema. The project will broaden the Festival’s offer with film sections specially prepared for the upcoming editions (in 2021 and 2022) presenting the most
interesting, original and best Nordic films, both in form and content, selected by the Project Partner. A new addition to the Festival will be interdisciplinary activities which connect film screenings with the broader visual arts, screenings translated into sign language, as well as organizing part of them in Podgórze and Kazimierz.
- To take up culturally and socially valid subjects related to ethnic and sexual diversity, leading to strengthening intercultural dialogue, as well as sustainable development and man’s influence on it.
- To offer for a wide audience a new, attractive film sections and accompanying events, but in the field of independent cinema.
- Mastercard OFFCAMERA International Festival of Independent Cinema (II trimester 2021 and II trimester 2022).
- Off Stage - concerts of alternative bands.
- Multimedia exhibition in the city space.
Summary of project results
Changing restrictions (Covid-19) and uncertainty when planning the organization, including those related to the arrival of guests. In addition, accessibility issues - seat limits, people''s reluctance to participate in events due to fear of infection. Additionally, issues related to the war in Ukraine, which caused drastic price increases, and inflation, which doubles or even triples the costs of implementing project activities. In 2021, due to the prevailing sanitary and epidemiological situation, it was decided to postpone the date of the 14th edition of the Mastercard OFF CAMERA International Festival of Independent Cinema from May 2021 to September 3-12, 2021.
The project was carried out from January 1, 2021 to August 31, 2022 and involved the preparation and development of cultural events included in the 14th and 15th editions of the Mastercard OFF CAMERA International Festival of Independent Cinema. As part of the project, the rich offer of the Festival has been expanded to include film sections prepared especially for two editions (in 2021 and 2022), presenting the most interesting, best and most original Nordic films in terms of both form and content, carefully selected in cooperation with the Festival programmer Grzegorz Stępniak from Project partner - Bergen International Film Festival. The Bergen Film Festival has been organized since 2000 and is the largest film festival in Norway, showing approximately one hundred and sixty films and gathering sixty thousand viewers annually. New items presented during the Festival were also interdisciplinary activities - combining cinema screenings with broadly understood visual art, as well as preparing projections adapted for people with visual and hearing disabilities, as well as organizing some of them in districts of Krakow at risk of gentrification - Kazimierz, Podgórze and Nowa Huta.
A total of 60 artistic events were carried out as a result of cooperation with the partner. Number of recipients of cultural and artistic events - 24950. Number of people (artists, specialists) involved in the project - 193. Number of premieres, first performances - 45 film screenings with with Ukrainian subtitles - for the first time in the history of the Festival.
Summary of bilateral results
The Applicant''s previous experience in cooperation with entities from the Donor States proves the Foundation''s ability to establish lasting partnerships. Recommendations of partners with whom the Festival organizers cooperated in the previous two editions of the program still constitute guidelines for activities. In the project in question, the Applicant is looking for organizational and program solutions that will allow the Festival to become a medium supporting social development and facilitating the implementation of equality demands related to a multicultural society and sustainable development in the environmental context. The sustainability of the project results developed in cooperation with the Bergen International Film Festival will therefore be ensured.The Off Camera Foundation also assumes continuation of program cooperation after the completion of project activities, which will be included in the provisions of the partnership agreement.