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Investment arrears in the scope of thermal modernisation of buildings generate a number of effects
which adversely affect the attractiveness of the area and constitute a barrier to the effective use of
economic, natural and cultural potential. Technologies used in the past cause insufficient thermal
tightness of buildings, which results in large heat losses and high costs associated with exploitation, it
is also the cause of unfavorable conditions on the objects and lack of comfort of their use.
A number of investment activities assumed in the project are related to the improvement of energy
efficiency and use of renewable energy sources. Thus, the project will contribute, among others, to
reduction of air pollution emissions, - increase energy savings through technology investments and of
eco-friendly equipment, - increasing public awareness of energy efficiency
Thermomodernisation will improve the conditions of use, thanks to the application of modern
technologies, the project will positively affect the reduction of energy and heating costs.
Project result will have a positive impact to the natural environment, but it will also be beneficial for
students and teachers who are direct users of the buildings as well as administration employess