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Number of waders has fallen rapidly in Poland during last 30 years. Populations of Black-tailed godwit, Redshank, Lapwing, Great snipe and Common snipe have halved since the 80’s. Among reasons are changes in farmland use, lower ground water level and strong preasure of predators. In two spots we plan to restore lekking grounds of the endangered waders species with the use of grazing, increase the breeding success by the improve the hydrological conditions and use of electric fencing.
Main actions: grazing of 50 horses and cattle. Fencing of grazed areas – two plots 85 ha in total - with the electric antipredator fence (we have been using such fences in previous projects for the last 4 years reaching a very good breeding success), building 48 small retention objects on two areas in order to maintain the high ground water level.
Providing the proper protection of the waders population Protection of the breeding areas against predation – 85 ha. Improvement of the groundwater conditions. Rise of the ecological awareness
Polish institutions responsible for nature protection. Organizations within partnership. Farmers - owners of the cattle.
The aim of the partnership is to exchange knowledge and experience. PTOP has big experience in planning and building small retention objects. So far we have designed more than 20 000 objects in NE Poland while cooperating with National Forestry and within projects financed by EU. NOF will share its experiences of working in the field of waders protection also as a part of the big network of NGO’s. We want to exchange in the area of promotion, gaining the public attention, founds acquisition.