More information
Why is the project needed? Which situation or problem does the project aim to address? (provide reference to evidence, include reference to the relevant laws or policies, where relevant)
The project is needed due to the current problems: an increase in the annual temperature
temperature, change in the condition of accession and energy batteries conducive to achievement, promotion anomalies such as: floods of money, rapid changes, Island heat, reds, cost inversions, air circulation disorders, low ecological price Inhabitants and students and the brake lifting the slowing climate in terms of climate change mitigation
The project will contribute the implementation of 5 different adaptation and mitigation measures in school areas:
-construction of permeable and ground surfaces for rainwater;
-installing green walls;
-planting appropriate non-invasive plants in terms of water requirements and planting sites, fruit trees;
-building educational paths, didactic gardens;
-creating eco-gardens, building houses for animals.
-educational and information activities related thematically to the above activities
The achievement of the project will be to raise public awareness in the field of climate change mitigation and
adaptation to its effects.
Who is expected to benefit from this project and how will they benefit?
The beneficiaries will be primary school students through their active participation in the project, and thanks toa well-conducted promotion, also the entire population of the Kozienice poviat.