Novel Data Driven based Intelligent Prognostics Platform for Complex Cyberphysical Systems towards the Future

Project facts

Project promoter:
Opole University of Technology(PL)
Project Number:
PL-Basic Research-0040
In implementation
Initial project cost:

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This project aims to develop a novel data-driven dynamic reliability assessment platform to improve predictive maintenance ability in complex cyberphysical systems (CPSs). This will be achieved by exactly identifying which degradation mechanism(s) are likely to cause an impending failure, and then highlighting the event to trigger for maintenance service or control operation. The expected outcomes are new methods and tools needed to leverage failure prognostics and prognostics-informed maintenance/control for making CPSs resilient with reduced levels of redundancy. This research will produce major advancements in extending core components’ life and durability in complex CPSs, bringing economic benefit for Polish industry. Research outcomes from this project will enable Polish companies to produce highly needed intelligent prognostics products at a reduced cost but in high quality. This will bolster their domestic and global competitiveness and bring economic benefits. Furthermore, the academic achievements and the patented technologies will expand Poland’s access to the global maintenance, repair, and overhaul markets, such as those in EU and USA. These benefits will be achieved by disseminating theoretical and experimental advances on predictive maintenance. This research will also raise the Poland''s profile in global maintenance, repair, and overhaul markets by offering training and education in intelligent prognostics technology.

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