Spin and charge transport in low-dimensional novel quantum materials

Project facts

Project promoter:
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan(PL)
Project Number:
PL-Basic Research-0019
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Norwegian University of Science and Technology(NO)

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This research project aims at fundamental aspects of solid-state physics and magnetism, which may support interdisciplinary research in the field of spintronics. In principle, it focuses on efficient control of the spin state and its utilization on equal footing with quasiparticle charge. The main emphasis is put on novel materials, where quantum effects manifest on a wide range of energetic and length scales. The quantum materials, such as graphene, van-der Waals heterostructures, topological insulators, or Weyl semimetals, derive their peculiar properties from reduced dimensionality or collective excitations. In consequence, quantum materials serve as a platform for phenomena where the topological nature of quasiparticle states plays an essential role. One of the project goals is to combine altogether the spin and valley degrees of freedom with the symmetries and topological properties of the system to describe and propose phenomena that allow us to work out new strategies for the low-power-consumption electronics and logic devices. Importantly, in quantum materials, the interactions related to spin, charge, lattice, and orbital degree of freedom are energetically on par with electronic kinetic energy. Therefore, the properties of quantum materials are highly sensitive to external fields/ forces that may relatively easy lead to the quantum phase transitions. We intend to establish new methods that enable manipulation of the order parameters characterizing quantum materials and propose the most efficient ways of design the electronic, magnetic, and topological properties of lowdimensional structures on demand. This issue is of current interest and importance in the context of a new generation of dissipationless spintronics.

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