Innovative moving bed adsorption process for CO2 capture in coal-fired power plants operated under variable load

Project facts

Project promoter:
Cracow University of Technology(PL)
Project Number:
PL-Applied Research-0018
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Norwegian University of Science and Technology(NO)


The aim of the project is to conduct research on an innovative CO2 capture(CC) method from flue gases generated during combustion process in of hard pulverized coal-fired power boiler. The basis of the method was developed by the Norwegian project partner (SINTEF Industry). The method is based on the use of activated carbon in a moving bed temperature swing adsorption process.
Preliminary results allow to conclude that the energy intensity of the method is lower than the energy intensity of the methods based on chemical absorption process or on fixed bed capture process. The project is to demonstrate the usefulness of the method for rapid changes in the load of a power unit, with particular emphasis on rapid power growth. The project was divided into 5 working pakages(WPs). In WP1, the participants will carry out computational work aimed at developing mathematical models that will simulate the operation of selected boilers under transient operating conditions. A program for analyses and simulations of a moving bed temperature swing adsorption process suited to the laboratory stand will be developed. The method energy consumption and its(dynamics)flexibility will also be computationally estimated. The dynamics of the proposed CC method should aligned with the dynamics of power unit. In the WP2 Partners will design and build a research stan for CC from flue gases.
Within WP3, the test stand will be installed in one of the Polish power plant. Measurements will be carried out during its operation in steady and transient conditions. On the base of measurements, will be estimated:
-CO2 capture rate,
-energy consumption.
The model of a moving bed temperature swing adsorption process developed in WP1 will be validated and tuned.
Based on the results from previous WPs, partners will undertake efforts to scale up the research model to industrial conditions.
The last stage(WP5) is dedicated to efficient communication and dissemination issues.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.