GReen And SuStainable - kNowledge EXpanded freight Transport in cities

Project facts

Project promoter:
Maritime University of Szczecin(PL)
Project Number:
PL-Applied Research-0017
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Institute of Transport Economics(NO)
Other Project Partners
Vitronic Machine Vision Polska sp. z o.o.(PL)


Freight deliveries in cities involve a wide variety of challenges. Congestion, narrow areas for freight deliveries and a large number of stakeholders in a limited area contribute to reducing the efficiency of logistics systems. At the same time, freight deliveries contribute to a series of environmental problems, like poor air quality, noise and emissions of greenhouse gases. Analysing the impact of urban freight transport (UFT) measures is particularly important, since improving the situation for freight deliveries more often than not will be at the expense of citizens. To fulfil the expectations of the present city logistics systems and solve the problems mentioned above, the objectives of GRASS-NEXT are fourfold: knowledge-based city logistics activities assessment, implementation of city logistics’ objects (vehicles) identification and movements system,  development of city logistics pollution models as a real-time application, development of guidelines for Sustainable Urban Logistics Plans in Polish and Norwegian cities. The major ambition of the GRASS-NEXT project is to deliver efficient methods and tools for data, information and knowledge resources for sustainable city logistics systems development. The methodology established under the project will support the efficient planning and management of such systems. The basis of this methodology will be the utilization of user-independent systems with utilization of telematics solution, like mobile traffic detectors and the innovative approach based on video recognition and object tracking.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.