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The objective of the project is to develop sustainably economic and environmental solutions that will enable a substantial increase in high-quality production of fresh strawberry, red raspberry, blackberry and currants and their processed products in Poland and Norway. This will be achieved through the implementation of seven work packages covering the following research areas: environmental effects on flower and dormancy initiation and breaking of dormancy in Rubus and Ribes species, innovative non-chemical technologies for pest and disease-free transplant production of berry crops, development and optimization of innovative cultivation techniques for season extension, quality improvement and safety of berries, adaptation of farming systems to changing climate conditions and weather extremes, optimization of the berry production potential by using the metaxenia phenomenon, improvement of postharvest treatments and storage technologies to extend shelf life of berry fruits and optimization of processing technologies for development of innovative berry fruit products. The project will develop sustainable technologies that will reduce labor costs and pesticide use, improve the economy and reduce environmental costs; enhance a resource efficient and profitable berry production and consumption in Poland and Norway and ensure mutual communication with the small fruit industry. The recipients of the project results will be farms specializing in the cultivation of berry plants in open field and under covers, as well as small fruit industry. Cooperation with Graminor and NIBIO will enable study of flowering and dormancy initiation and breaking as well as the development of modern systems of soilless production under cover. NIBIO will also elaborate non-chemical methods for disease and pest control. The contribution of INHORT is mainly the explanation and practical use of the metaxenia phenomenon and development of innovative methods of fruit storage and processing.