The InCoNaDa project addresses the issues related to food and natural resources. Assessment and monitoring of natural resources require detailed and geospatial information on the land cover (LC), land use (LU) and changes. LCLU information is essential for a broad range of users and applications. It is also essential for various reporting obligations, i.e. counting greenhouse gas emissions and removal from LULUCF, climate mitigation, greening of CAP, Biodiversity Conservation, Urban Agenda and plans for the upcoming Energy Union. The main goal of InCoNaDa is to improve the user uptake of LCLU information derived from the integration of Copernicus Land Monitoring service (CLMS) and national databases. This will be achieved through a) practical verification of the EAGLE concept based on interlinking LCLU information and other landscape characteristics (CH) available at the country level into one model called “linked data”, b) development of the web-based application enabling to query the enhanced LCLU database as well as to integrate and extract statistics from the CLMS adjusted to user needs, c) assessment of usefulness of enhanced LCLU database, web application and CLMS products for decision makers, reporting obligations in natural resources monitoring, urban and spatial planning, agricultural management and reporting GHG emissions and removals from LULUCF in Poland and Norway. The ambition of InCoNaDa is to exchange knowledge, experience and competency in order to improve the capabilities among domain experts in both countries. We also sincerely believe that Poland and Norway, through this project, together can assist the European Environment Agency and the Copernicus program in their continuous efforts to ensure that CLMS is an important contribution to national and local users through downstream services.