The philosophy of psychiatry - the basis of the mental health care system.

Project facts

Project promoter:
Open Seminars on Philosophy and Psychiatry Foundation(PL)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
Philosophy of Mental Health Unit(PL)

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The reform described in the National Mental Health Program means a transition from the asylum (services accumulated in large clinics) and biomedical model (mental problem - physical illness and sufficiency of pharmacotherapy) to environmental psychiatry (biopsychosocial model of disorders, assistance near the home, mental problem - a problem in life). A Supreme Audit Office (NIK) Health Department report (2015) found that psychiatrists have insufficient skills. Also, there is concern that they are not trained to work in interdisciplinary teams created in mental health clinics.The project aims to provide support for the ongoing reform of the mental health system by promulgating human aspects of psychiatry, philosophy of psychiatry, and value-based practice.We will devise and conduct, involving experts through know-how: Three courses on Philosophy of Psychiatry as a Basis for Practice for medical students, three Value-based Practice Workshops for interdisciplinary teams (medical personnel, social workers, patients and recipients of social support), and five webinars promulgating mental health philosophy and ethics for a broad group. We will also evaluate the activities and disseminate the findings (two articles, a closing seminar, and sending the results to psychiatric reform institutions).The measures will improve the quality of psychiatric services, give psychiatrists new qualifications and competencies, and expand the courses available in medical studies, and inspire institutional change in this respect;Nine people will participate, including a female expert through know-how. The recipients will be 60 students, 30 members of interdisciplinary teams, and 150 webinar participants.The partner will provide scientific support in all of the program measures.

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