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This project addresses the problem of discrimination and violence towards women in the Koluszki Municipality. Many women living in Koluszki have to deal with domestic violence, being undervalued, and discrimination. Unfortunately, during the pandemic and isolation, domestic violence has become an even greater problem. Meanwhile, in villages in the vicinity, Rural Housewife Associations are becoming more energised. In October 2020, several hundred people, mostly young women, protested against the anti-abortion act. Despite this potential, there are no facilities available for women.Under the project, a Counselling, Support, and Development Centre will be opened, enabling women to meet and make use of the development and aid facilities on offer. Initially, the Project Promoter will invite local institutions that work to prevent violence to network workshops. Twelve experts will be selected from among the women participants, to provide consultations and advice at Centre. The experiences and conclusions concerning the Centre’s activity will be described in a report and submitted to authorities. The Project Promoter will also hold four open meetings with inspirational women, four webinars on equal rights, a meeting on the European Convention on Human Rights, and training on consensus without violence. It will also publish a calendar with women from Koluszki and hold a competition and Internet campaign on equality.The project will benefit women living in the municipality of Koluszki, who will become more aware of their rights and human rights in general. Persons who suffer violence and discrimination will be given vital support in emergencies and regain their sense of agency and influence.The project partners are the Norwegian organisation Terram Pacis, which works to raise awareness of human rights, and the portal, which campaigns for equal rights. The partners will provide content-related support for the Project Promoter by sharing their know-how.
Summary of project results
The project aimed to promote and support pro-equality attitudes in the municipality of Koluszki. The region lacks a local network for support and cooperation in the field of gender equality and combating gender discrimination. Many women living in Koluszki face disrespect, unequal treatment and violence. An increasing number of competent women are working in responsible but poorly paid public positions, and their achievements are not recognised to the same extent as those of their male colleagues. The local system for combating gender-based violence is also ineffective, yet the problem of domestic violence has escalated during the pandemic.
As part of the project, the Project Promoter carried out various gender equality and empowerment activities for women in the Koluszki community. A Counselling, Support and Development Centre was opened, which operated both remotely and on site. Women received legal, psychological, emotional and coaching support. Two local gender equality campaigns were carried out - Koluszkowianki as Gender Equality Ambassadors and Makatka Równościowa. The first involved the creation of the Koluszko Equality Calendar, featuring female ambassadors in their various roles. The Makatokowa campaign was based on a call for a new slogan or design for a Makatka with an equality message. An Equality Family Picnic was held with events promoting gender equality and the project itself, as well as several meetings with inspiring women. A two-day training course entitled "Women can do a lot! Or even more..." for 13 women from Koluszki and surrounding rural women''s groups. The training covered topics such as social equality, identifying one''s needs, knowing one''s rights, strengths analysis, resourcefulness and entrepreneurship, etc. A local women''s initiative fair was held, attended by 120 people. The project established cooperation with 10 institutions in Koluszki, including the police station, schools and the town hall. One partner was the Norwegian organisation Terram Pacis, which the beneficiary visited in Oslo and learned about its daily work.
Women from the Koluszki municipality were the first to benefit from the activities. 26 women in need of help received concrete psychological and legal support. Many women became actively involved in the activities, including village chiefs, presidents of the Rural Housewives'' Circles, teachers, educators, who thus developed their competences as social activists and "liaison officers" with women in need of support. Inter-institutional cooperation in the field of gender equality and anti-violence was strengthened. Undoubtedly, the topic was present in the local media, institutions, public space.
Summary of bilateral results
A very impressive portfolio of projects. Unfortunately, the timing of the study visit to Norway was very dire for us (August, most of the team on holiday).Certainly a great advantage is that the partner was willing to cooperate and stayed in touch with us. Thanks to him, the visibility of our project increased a lot. We have learnt a lot from him (we are in a constant process of developing ourselves, finding resources, entering new projects). In turn, our Norwegian partner has learnt from us about kindness and Polish hospitality.