Koluszki Women with Women and for Women. Time for Equality

Project facts

Project promoter:
Through the Eyes of Women(PL)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Terram Pacis(NO)
Other Project Partners

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This project addresses the problem of discrimination and violence towards women in the Koluszki Municipality. Many women living in Koluszki have to deal with domestic violence, being undervalued, and discrimination. Unfortunately, during the pandemic and isolation, domestic violence has become an even greater problem. Meanwhile, in villages in the vicinity, Rural Housewife Associations are becoming more energised. In October 2020, several hundred people, mostly young women, protested against the anti-abortion act. Despite this potential, there are no facilities available for women.Under the project, a Counselling, Support, and Development Centre will be opened, enabling women to meet and make use of the development and aid facilities on offer. Initially, the Project Promoter will invite local institutions that work to prevent violence to network workshops. Twelve experts will be selected from among the women participants, to provide consultations and advice at Centre. The experiences and conclusions concerning the Centre’s activity will be described in a report and submitted to authorities. The Project Promoter will also hold four open meetings with inspirational women, four webinars on equal rights, a meeting on the European Convention on Human Rights, and training on consensus without violence. It will also publish a calendar with women from Koluszki and hold a competition and Internet campaign on equality.The project will benefit women living in the municipality of Koluszki, who will become more aware of their rights and human rights in general. Persons who suffer violence and discrimination will be given vital support in emergencies and regain their sense of agency and influence.The project partners are the Norwegian organisation Terram Pacis, which works to raise awareness of human rights, and the portal kobiety.lodz.pl, which campaigns for equal rights. The partners will provide content-related support for the Project Promoter by sharing their know-how.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.