Conscious Citizens of the Czerwonak Commune

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association Better Community Czerwonak(PL)
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We will provide civic education to inhabitants of the Czerwonak commune belonging to the Poznań Metropolis. According to the ‘Social District. Ranking of Social Activities in Local Governments’ report our district considerably lags behind other rural districts in the country in this respect, which can be confirmed by the fact that very few inhabitants participate in consultations devoted to topics that concern them. Wishing to address this problem, we would like to focus on two areas of activity: educating seniors and children on civil rights and on educating local social leaders how to make their initiatives more effective and satisfactory. With seniors in mind, we will publish the ‘Guide for Active Seniors’, will prepare training on social participation, and Oxford debates, as well as prospective workshops – the latter will be attended not only by seniors but also by youngest inhabitants of the commune. Attendees will come up with ideas for local solutions satisfying their needs. The Community Council will help us invite all commune residents to joint two consultation processes with the use of geo-questionnaires. We will combine them with an educational panel during which we will describe civic engagement tools and ways in which inhabitants can shape their neighbourhood. These meetings will enable us to jointly generate ideas for district growth and local space development.

Summary of project results

We have taken care of the civic education of the citizens of Czerwonak municipality (Wielkopolskie Voivodeship). According to the “Civic Municipality. Civic Activity Ranking Across Local Governments” report, our municipality lags behind others across Poland. That reality could be observed in a low participation rates during consultations on issues relevant to the community.
Wanting to address this issue, we have focused on two areas: educating seniors and children about their civic rights and educating local leaders on how to make their decisions and actions more fruitful and satisfying. With the seniors in mind we have published the ”Active Senior Handbook,” organized Oxford debates, and workshops about the future. The latter involved the youngest members of our community as well as the seniors. Participants worked on their ideas for municipal solutions that fit their needs. We have also conducted a training for the leaders on civic consultations, goals, and benefits of local community’s involvement in dialogue, conflict management, and mediation. With support from the municipality, we have invited all the citizens into two consultation sessions with the use of geo-surveys. Thanks to the meetings we have developed an idea for municipality’s growth and space management.  
In addition to the increase in competences among our participants, we have observed an increased number of initiatives filed into the participatory budget, compared to previous years. From among 16 filed projects, 11 came from our project’s participants.



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