Youth Activations

Project facts

Project promoter:
Local Government Association in Konin(PL)
Project Number:
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Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Centrum Wsparcia Rzemiosła
Kształcenia Dualnego i Zawodowego(PL)

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According to our research, 70% of youths in the eastern part of Wielkopolska do not feel they are an important part of the local community, and 99% of them claim that they have no impact on local decisions concerning them. To address these challenges, we will run a series of workshops for 48 youths to develop their creative and logical thinking skills, to teach them creative approach to problems, active civic attitude, entrepreneurship, and skills needed to implement grassroot initiatives. We will also organise project management workshops, teaching participants the basics of management, planning tools, and project timetable creation. We will set up the ‘Summer Knowledge Academy’ - a coaching camp the participants of which will generate proposals and plans for initiatives engaging youths in public life in their locations. When they return, they will run social consultations of their ideas in cooperation with local authorities and will discuss possible ways to engage young people in the life of their communes. Selected initiatives will be implemented, allowing youths train their newly acquired skills. Our partner in the project is the Centrum Wsparcia Rzemiosła, Kształcenia Dualnego i Zawodowego in Konin that has for years been working in eastern Wielkopolska in the field of youth education and will provide us with know-how and promotional support at each stage of the project.

Summary of project results

According to our research, 70% of young people in the eastern part of Wielkopolska do not feel like an important part of the local community, and 99% of them claim to have no influence on local decisions that affect them.In order to address these challenges, we conducted a series of workshops for young individuals aimed at developing creative and logical thinking, a proactive civic attitude, entrepreneurship, and skills related to grassroots initiatives. We also organized project management workshops, introducing them to the basics of management, planning tools, and creating project schedules. We prepared a "Summer Knowledge Academy," which was a coaching camp where participants developed proposals and plans for implementing initiatives that involve young people in civic life in their communities. Upon their return, in collaboration with local authorities, they conducted public consultations regarding their ideas and discussed possibilities for involving young people in the life of municipalities. Selected initiatives were implemented, allowing young people to test their newly acquired skills. Additionally, each group defined its own name, developed a logo, posters, presentations identifying their activities, and adopted an action program. Finally, they signed agreements with municipal authorities for further cooperation involving youth in local matters in the long term.The project was partnered with the Center for Support of Crafts, Dual and Vocational Education in Konin, which has been operating in eastern Wielkopolska for years in the field of youth education. They provided us with substantive and promotional support at every stage of the project.Based on the evaluation surveys, we know that workshop participants have strengthened their skills in logical and creative thinking, creative problem-solving, and civic development. Through the training attended by both young people and adults, the latter treated the young individuals as equals, allowing them to look at various issues from their perspective.



Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.