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This project addresses the issue of violence towards the elderly, especially women, in the Zbrosławice municipality. The violence is usually perpetrated by those close to them, family, and carers. Dependent people are neglected, and also abused financially, mentally, physically, and sexually. The pandemic exacerbated the problem – in 2020, 31 Blue Cards were created, and 30% of victims were women over 60. Meanwhile, the subject of violence is still taboo. Abused people are not aware of this – especially where the abuse is of a financial or mental nature. Meanwhile, there are many shortcomings in the local violence prevention system; there are no women’s support groups, measures to help the elderly, or conduct social campaigns. The Project Promoter wishes to address the shortcomings by proposing emergency call, information, diagnostic, or for instance advocacy measures. Elderly women at risk of violence will be given free psychological counseling and legal advice. They will attend five workshops on human rights and violence, five relaxation workshops, support groups, and five self-help groups. For people working in CSOs, the police, and local government working to combat violence, the Project Promoter will hold training and start an institution partnership. These measures will be accompanied by a campaign on violence, and the support provided. The project will primarily benefit women aged over 60 at risk of violence (approximately 50 people), who will learn to recognize violence and be given appropriate support. People working in violence prevention institutions (30 people) will enhance their competencies in working with violence victims and elderly women, and this will include the Blue Card procedure. This will increase the quality of the support provided under the municipal violence prevention program.
Summary of project results
The project responds to the problem of violence against the elderly, especially women, in the Zbroslawice municipality. The perpetrators and perpetrators of violence are most often relatives, family, caregivers and caregivers. There is neglect of dependents, economic, psychological, physical and sexual violence. During the pandemic, the problem has escalated, with 31 Blue Cards established in 2020, and 30% of the victims were women over the age of 60. However, violence remains a taboo subject. Those experiencing violence are not aware of it - especially in cases of economic or psychological violence. The local anti-violence system, in turn, contains many gaps, as it does not offer support groups for women or activities for seniors, nor does it conduct public awareness campaigns on the problem.
The Project Promoter undertook a range of activities to support senior women - intervention, information, diagnostics and advocacy. Senior women exposed to violence benefited from free psychological and legal counseling. Members of Senior Women''s Clubs from 5 small towns in the region took part in workshops on human rights, anti-violence, equal opportunities, as well as relaxation workshops, support groups and self-help groups. In turn, for those working in non-governmental organizations, the Police and local government units dealing with counter-violence, the Grantee organized training sessions and initiated inter-institutional partnerships. These activities were accompanied by a local campaign on the phenomenon of violence and the support offered.
The Project Promoter filled a gap in the local anti-violence system by offering a series of intervention, information, diagnostic and advocacy activities. Recipients of the project were primarily women over 60 years of age exposed to violence, who raised their knowledge of their rights, learned to recognize violence and discrimination, and received adequate support. Those working in the institutions of the anti-violence system (30 people) improved their competence in working with victims of violence and senior women, including in conducting and implementing the Blue Card. As a result of the project, recommendations that were used to amend the municipal program for counteracting domestic violence. Thanks to the activities, the quality of the support offered in the municipal program against violence has increased.