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Project facts

Project promoter:
Henryk Foundation(PL)
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Other Project Partners

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This project addresses the problem of increasing violence and hate speech towards LGBT+ people in Kraków. A vast majority of LGBT+ people experience hate speech, and many have suffered emotional and physical abuse. Unfortunately, the number of homophobic hate-based acts has risen sharply in recent years. The nationwide context and political and media smear campaign against LGBT+ people, such as talk of the “hostile LGBT ideology” or creation of “LGBT-free zones” by local government authorities are a factor in this. The hate campaign is conducive to society’s attitudes becoming radical, especially among young people. The multifaceted project addresses the problem described above. The Project Promoter will prepare an exhibition of artistic works on the issue of violence towards LGBT+ people; the exhibition will also include tours with the curator and meetings with the artists. Action taken directly with respect to LGBT+ people and people close to them will be psychological counselling. Under the project, the Project Promoter will also prepare and conduct a series of ten artistic workshops on discrimination for a minimum of 50 teachers and childminders, training them to work with the local community and young people. A discrimination campaign on TikTok, consisting of a series of 20 short films, will be the final element of the project. The project will be useful to various groups: the Kraków LGBT+ community and those close to them, educators, and the local community, including young people. The partner, the organizer of a popular music festival, is highly experienced in implementing discrimination prevention solutions in culture, including creating a safe space for LGBT+ people and inclusion of minorities in cultural events. The partner will be involved in preparation of the discrimination prevention workshops and promotion of the project – above all among young people.

Summary of project results

The project responds to the increasing violence and hate speech against LGBT+ people in Krakow. The vast majority of LGBT+ people have experienced hate speech, many of them victims of psychological and physical violence. Unfortunately, the number of homophobic acts of hatred has been increasing rapidly in recent years. The nationwide context and the political and media campaigning against LGBT+ people, including the narrative of ''hostile LGBT ideology'' or the establishment of so-called ''LGBT-free zones'' by local governments, is not insignificant. The hate campaign encourages social radicalisation, especially among young people.

As part of the project, the Project Promoter prepared an exhibition of artworks on the issue of violence against LGBT+ people. The exhibition was accompanied by curatorial tours and meetings with artists. Direct support was offered to LGBT+ people and their relatives in the form of psychological consultations. The Project Promoter prepared and conducted a series of 5 art and anti-discrimination workshops for teaching staff. 5 anti-discrimination workshops were also conducted, complemented by the topic of creating safer club spaces. These were aimed at the music and club environment, including security guards, managers and other employees and workers for LGBT+ people from Ukraine. The final element of the project was an anti-discrimination campaign on TikTok consisting of a series of short videos.

The project benefited various groups: the Krakow LGBT+ community and their relatives, educators, the club and music community, the local community, including young people. The exhibition brought a nuanced reflection on identity, queer aesthetics, exclusion and discrimination to the social debate. Awareness of the discrimination and violence experienced by the LGBT+ community has increased among viewers of the exhibition and educational activities.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.