From atoms to an organized movement for the rule of law

Project facts

Project promoter:
Citizens Network Watchdog Poland(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Stowarzyszenie 61(PL)


Civil society does not have a proper impact on politicians'' decisions. Over the past years, it has also lost some instruments to protect their right. However, even before that, e.g. social organizations used to protect their rights and the rights of their recipients in courts or impacted decision-making processes rather infrequently. Meanwhile, democracy requires both strong civil society and legal guarantees. As many as 1,700 organizations (Statistics Poland) declare their objectives related to strengthening the rule of law, human rights, and democracy. However, it is a rare situation if more then a hundred of them speak up together. Apart from lack of self-organization, the problem stems from the fact that such organizations do not know one another and do not use their joint potential. The project is an answer to this problem. Direct recipients of the project are 1,000 organizations, which will be tested, whereas some of them will get involved in planned campaigns as well as find allies and gain experience. Organizations which are supported by a larger number of people will analyze how many recipients they can reach with their messages. 20 organizations will get involved in planning works for the entire industry and developing an agreement between various environment. Such activities will enable the organizations to get to know one another, understand their potential as well as their opportunities for communicating and supporting one another. The activities include surveys, interviews, and focus groups on social organizations dealing with the rule of law, human rights, and democracy as well as their roots and impact on the society, and conducting two joint campaigns for a specific change. Project partners combine experience relevant for the project success. The 61 Association - partner in the project - builds relations with politicians, thus, it may help organizations to prepare the strategy of impacting decisions taken by them.

Summary of project results

The project was a response to the diagnosed problem of underutilization of the potential of organizations dealing with the rule of law, human rights and democracy. To respond more effectively to the challenges of the rule of law crisis, it was important to cooperate, join forces and achieve synergy.
Differences in communication, lack of mutual trust and the fact that organizations did not know each other were diagnosed as reasons for the lack of cooperation. Some of the organizations were street movements, bringing together thousands of people, while others built teams of experts. Some had been active for years, others were formed as a response to the rule of law crisis and had relatively short tenure. Some were active in the capital, others in the regions.
The goal of the project was to identify which organizations were working on issues related to the rule of law, human rights and democracy. To create a pretext for cooperation on specific campaigns. To build trust and achieve synergy, as well as increase the quality of work. And finally, to pursue pro-democracy goals together.


The area of common interest was "elections." This is a topic in which any organization could take action - be it pro-frequency, education, advocacy, or fairness. A pillar of building cooperation and trust was regular meetings and a move away from acctivity. Organizations had time to formulate strategies derived from inspiration.
The project resulted in the formation of the informal "Leaven" Coalition, which continues to grow in numbers and quality During the implementation of the project, 35 organizations joined in joint activities.
Two mini-campaigns were conducted, which were planned thanks to the project. "Votobranie" - an outdoor educational campaign, and "I do it for the first time". - a pro-frequency campaign aimed at first-time voters. Spontaneous organizations joined forces in preparing citizens to refuse to participate in the 2023 referendum against human rights.
A report was also produced describing the situation of civil society working for democracy, human rights and the rule of law during the rule of law crisis.

Activities are continuing. The "Leaven" coalition meets regularly every week. The electoral calendar - local, European and presidential elections - is conducive to this. They are motivated by the results achieved, the added value from cooperation and the need to discuss.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.