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Buildings and spaces belonging to state-run universities constitute a significant portion of the real estate inside of Polish cities. Over one million individuals study or works in one of those buildings. Unfortunately, according to the UI GreenMEtric World, a ranking measuring the approach of academic institutions around the world to ecology (categories include infrastructure, energy and water use, recycling, transportation, scope of educational offer), Polish institution are listed towards the bottom.Our goal is to make changes in the the way the universities are run and how they function, to make them more sustainable and environment friendly. Such changes as, for example, reducing waste paper production, conserving water or using renewable energy - can have a huge positive impact on the environment. We will involve academic employees and student organizations in coalition building to promote pro-ecological solutions. Members of the coalition will be supported by the panel of experts on the issues ranging from natural resources protections, energy efficient technologies, and proper recycling practices. We will organize a training for the representatives of member organizations pertaining to taking care of the environment at work and how to fulfil the goals of balanced development in the sphere of environmental protections designed by the United Nations. We will hold workshops for chosen leaders from our coalition about influencing the management of the institution and filing petitions to organizations responsible for the protection of the natural environment. We will support intervention groups, which will operate at 11 academic institutions to decrease the negative impact of the institution on the natural environment. We will organize consultations with experts, lawyers, and NGOs. Simultaneously, we will monitor reaction of the schools to petitions filed by the members of our coalition and the actions undertaken by the intervention groups.
Summary of project results
Buildings and properties belonging to state-run universities occupy significant parcels of Polish cities. Over one million individuals work or study at these schools. Unfortunately, The UI GreenMetric World University ranking, measuring the attitudes of higher education institutions towards ecology (using categories such as infrastructure, energy and water use, waste segregation and re-use, transportation, research, and education) places Polish academic institutions towards the bottom of the pack.Our goal was to introduce changes in how these facilities are run and to orient them towards more ecological management. Changes like reducing paper waste, saving water, or using renewable energy, have an incredibly positive influence on the natural environment. We have built a coalition of 60 academic organizations with a goal of promoting these pro-ecological solutions. Members of our coalition were supported by a panel of experts on natural resources management, energy saving support technologies, and proper waste management. We have also organized a training for the coalition members focused on how to take care of the environment through our everyday actions at work, and how to complete the goals of sustainable growth designed by the United Nations. We have conducted workshops for selected leaders from our coalition on how to successfully influence university authorities and how to petition institutions responsible for monitoring the environment. We have supported intervention groups that operated within 11 different academic institutions towards reducing their negative impact on the natural environment. Our support included meetings with experts, lawyers, and NGOs. Simultaneously, we have monitored schools'' reactions to the petitions from our coalition and actions of the intervention groups in real time.As a result of the monitoring, we have filed 203 notifications and recommendations regarding schools'' regulations. We have discovered that 21 schools did not take environmental criteria into consideration at all when contracting out services, while 88 other schools has no dedicated bureaucratic units responsible for environmental safety and sustainable growth goals. From amongst schools we have reached out to with recommendations, 53 introduced changes, or declared readiness to implement them in the near future.