Neighborhood - my place on the map

Project facts

Project promoter:
Art Junction Foundation(PL)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Rita Lindanger SA(NO)
Other Project Partners
Association of the Roma Culture "Hitano"(PL)
Committee for the Protection of the Jewish Heritage in Tarnow(PL)


In Poland, there are approximately 20 000 - 60 000 people in the Roma minority, but estimates vary. The level of social integration of the Roma is increased through formulating measures in particular areas of support. One area should apply equally to non-Roma neighbors in a similar situation, so that the Roma community is not seen as a rival group (Roma Community Integration Program in Poland for 2014-2020). Discrimination against the Roma is largely due to ethnic stereotypes. Sharing common municipal space is a major factor in forming the identity of its inhabitants, especially as they represent various cultural and historical traditions. The project addresses the problem of discrimination against and stigmatization of the Roma people. In Nowa Huta and Olsztyn we will organize discrimination prevention workshops for pupils and teachers (including Roma teaching assistants) and mediation workshops for the age group for young people. We will conduct interviews with three generations of Roma people and their neighbors on the subject of living alongside each other. Social maps of regions, of places that are important to them, will be formed and will be used as a guide for organized walks in the neighborhood. In Tarnów, we will hold a discussion in which Romologists will take part and a workshop conducted by an experienced Norwegian organization. The project will help to change harmful stereotypes and improve relations between neighborhoods. Approximately 90 people will take part. Partner Rita Lindanger AS, based in Oslo, will share know-how on working with minorities, including the Roma minority. The Roma Culture Association Hitano will help to organize animation measures and to conduct Roma-Polish workshops. Meetings and sharing of practices in Tarnów will be co-organized by the Committee for the Protection of the Jewish Heritage.

Summary of project results

The project addresses the problem of discrimination and stigmatisation of Roma in Kraków''s Nowa Huta and Olsztyn. The Roma minority living in Poland numbers between 20,000 and 60,000 people. The problem of discrimination and xenophobia against Roma exists in both Olsztyn and Nowa Huta, but the manifestations of exclusion are of a different nature. The Roma of Nowa Huta belong to a group that is fairly integrated with its neighbours, although still experiencing stigmatisation at school or at work and aggression from right-wing groups. The Roma community of Olsztyn, on the other hand, has lived there relatively recently and is also a group that is more at risk of exclusion due to ignorance of civic rights and responsibilities, low economic status, high levels of unemployment, lack of professional qualifications and potential jobs.

As part of the project, the Project Promoter prepared various activities to integrate Roma communities in two locations - Nowa Huta and Olsztyn. Two anti-discrimination workshops were held for 20 people - Roma education assistants and adult youth workers. Two peer mediation and anti-discrimination workshops were also held for Roma and non-Roma children and youth. The workshops were attended by 39 people. Neighbourhood interviews were conducted with people from the Roma and non-Roma community. As a result, social maps of Olsztyn and Nowa Huta were created in paper and digital versions. Two neighbourhood walks were also organised, each ending in an artistic intervention in the urban space. In Tarnow, in turn, a panel discussion was held with Roma leaders participating in the project and experts. Partner Rita Lindanger AS from Oslo shared her experiences of working with minorities, including the Roma minority, and local partners supported the Project Promoter in animation activities, running workshops and organising the meeting.

The project has loudly challenged negative stereotypes and raised the visibility of the Roma community. It has succeeded in creating a positive context for neighbours from different communities to get to know each other and for conflicts between Roma and non-Roma to gradually decrease. An important result is the empowerment of Roma women through their active and decision-making participation in activities.

Summary of bilateral results

The project benefited from cooperation with the partner primarily due to the contacts established and the exchange of practices. Thanks to the visit to the partner, we learned about local situations and extremely inspiring practices related to the project topic. We met new people from immigrant and minority backgrounds in Norway who are actively working to implement social changes. The partner''s representatives also presented their practices at an information meeting during the Memorial Camp in Tarnów. One of these presentations was published in a magazine devoted to Roma communities and Roma topics in Poland: Studia Romologica.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.