Mobile Academy for NGOs (MANGO)

Project facts

Project promoter:
Academy of Civic Organizations Foundation (FAOO)(PL)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:

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The objective of the project is to provide an easy access to learning opportunities for CSOs managers, staff and volunteers and thereby enhance their competences necessary to build the stability of their organizations. The project aims at strengthening the capacity and sustainability of CSOs operating outside larger cities, helping them to overcome barriers of geographic distance and limited resources by delivering ‘mobile’ learning opportunities, based on identified needs.
The project shall be implemented by way of the following main components:
an online tool for organizational self-assessment, which would be developed under the PDP.
up to 50 one-day trainings delivered in different locations outside the largest cities, on topics such as fundraising, human resources management, strategy development, communication, evaluation and customer survey, law for NGOs, etc.
18-20 webinars on various topics related to management and organizational development.
two open meetings of a conference/seminar type for CSO managers and specialists aimed at experience sharing and peer-learning;
various subject learning tracks on the e-learning platform Kursodrom for self-paced studies, built from existing educational materials.
If due to health security reasons some of trainings or meetings (components 2 and 5 above) will be not organized in stationary forms they will be replaced with online equivalent activities.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.