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The project aims to engage citizens with human stories of forced migration as a way of countering misinformation and hate speech.
By creating safe spaces for meaningful encounters and dialogue with one another, local communities will have the opportunity to think critically about forced migration and challenge their own cultural assumptions of those who have experienced it. The project will foster critical thinking and increase media literacy by allowing participants to identify propaganda and challenge negative stereotypes, while equipping themselves with factual information and narratives to counter negative taken-for-granted ideas.
Sessions will be guided by experienced facilitators with the support of community-based NGOs who will provide links for the initiative to reach intergenerational audiences in the heart of various communities. The project will tailor specific approaches for each community according to their particular circumstances. It is predicated on the organisation and delivery of discussions which are relevant, respectful, thought-provoking, and conducive to nurturing social inclusion and encouraging civic participation.
A network of migrant speakers who have experienced forced migration will also be empowered to share their stories. This process would also support migrants to build networks in their own community, and navigate their own developing social identities as active citizens in Malta. Migrant-led NGOs, particularly those with a strong community presence, will also be invited to contribute to this process in order to continue building long term relationships within the community that go beyond the project’s initial intervention.
The outcomes of the discussion and the stories at the heart of the project will be recorded and disseminated in online form.
Summary of project results
This project sought to counter misinformation and hate speech targeted at migrants, specifically migrants originating from Africa.
The project created safe spaces for migrants to tell their stories and engage with members of different communities on their own ground e.g. in the parish hall and other places where people gather.
The project helped foster critical thinking and equip participants with factual information and narratives that countered negative stereotypes. It empowered 10 migrants to tell their stories with confidence and helped them make connections within the community.