Strategic initiative to improve research performance and strengthen cooperation in microplastic pollution field

Project facts

Project promoter:
Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology, agency of Daugavpils University(LV)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
The Marine and Freshwater Research Institute(IS)
University of Iceland(IS)


The aim of the project is to start a strategic initiative among Iceland, Latvia, Estonia and Finland in order to improve research performance and strengthen collaboration in an emerging field – microplastic pollution. The main outcome of the project will be the involvement of participating countries researchers in order to create a high quality, scientifically sound and competitive project application for future fund acquisition to study microplastic pollution. Planned results are to bring together experienced researchers from Latvia, Estonia, Iceland and expert from Finland to prepare together at least one project proposal, ready for submission.

Summary of project results

Microplastics are a relatively new type of environmental pollutants, and available knowledge about it is ambiguous, with an insufficient understanding of its distribution and fate in the environment. Microplastic contamination can be found everywhere – in terrestrial and aquatic habitats, the atmosphere and living organisms. Multifaceted knowledge is required to obtain qualitative and trustworthy information about this pollutant, which can only be acquired through interdisciplinary collaboration. The project consortium consists of specialists from various fields who complement each other''s expertise by sharing knowledge and resources. Participation in this project offers Baltic region researchers an opportunity to enhance their competence and establish new international contacts for further collaboration across Europe. The aim of the project is strengthening international cooperation in the field of microplastic research to enhance professional expertise, scientific quality and excellence. Simultaneously, through synergistic cooperation among partners, the vertical flow of knowledge from experienced researchers to future specialists in the field – doctoral students – has been secured.

The project’s kick-off meeting in Iceland marked the beginning of efforts toward achievement of the project’s aims. During it, the project partners introduced each other to the basic scope of the represented institution, available knowledge and infrastructure, as well as took the first steps towards achieving one of the project’s outcomes – a jointly prepared and submitted project application on the topic of microplastics – by leading discussions on the most appropriate project calls and topics, as well as agreeing on a further action plan. Practical experience exchange activities were also included in the meeting: Latvian partner demonstrated the method used for collecting lake surface water microplastic samples, while experts from Finland trained partners in the use of the sediment trap method in microplastic research. The project partners have already had two online meetings to ensure an effective development of a high-quality project application.  Further project’s activities will be related to the preparation of a scientific research article on microplastic pollution in the environment. In order to fulfill the project’s primary objective, work on the project application will also continue. The project partners had 14 online meetings to ensure an effective development of two high quality project applications and a joint scientific research article on microplastic pollution in the enviroment.

The project has enabled partners to pursue future funding acquisition through common project proposal submission, invest in the improvement of microplastic sampling methodology through common research article development, and facilitate transboundary knowledge exchange through visits, demonstrations and presentations. Additionally, first stage and recognised researchers involved had the opportunity to participate in all stages of project implementation.

The project has allowed partners to dedicate focused attention to the development of a research article and proposal for future fund acquisition – tasks vital for dissemination of previously acquired scientific results and continuation of microplastics pollution research. First stage and recognised researchers had the opportunity to work independently on the implementation of project activities under close supervision of established and leading researchers, building concrete professional foundation. Project partners have agreed on maintaining the established cooperation bonds to move towards creation of excellent research strategy in the microplastic pollution study field.

Indicators achieved in the project: 1 joint project application for further funding was submitted,1 scientific publication was prepared,  3 researchers were supported.

Summary of bilateral results

The concept, implementation activities and outcomes of the project are in sync with the programmes’ objectives and expected results. The project contributes to the reduction of social and economic disparities and supports the programmes’ goal of strengthening bilateral cooperation among beneficiary (Latvia and Estonia) and donor (Iceland) countries by fostering the exchange of knowledge and resources, ultimately improving the quality of microplastics research. Each of the involved partners has a background in studying different aspects of environmental pollution and can bring forth specific knowledge or access to infrastructure. Some of the project partners/expert have previously worked together in common projects and research article development (i.e. LIAE, UTU and TalTech), there has also been an experience exchange visit carried out (UTU-UI, UTU-LIAE, LIAE-UI and TalTech-LIAE). However, to widen and strengthen collaboration and to accelerate excellence through common research, there is the need to further evolve international bonds between involved institutions. In the framework of this project a co-created project application has been prepared to enhance research-based knowledge, contribute to programmes’ objectives by focusing on advancing microplastic research, and promote collaboration at an international scale. Most partners have had previous experience in work with microplastics pollution, however, each of them has specialized in different aspects of it. The project brought partners together and allowed to share know-hows among the team members: LIAE demonstrated the method used for collecting lake surface water microplastic samples, while the expert from UTU and UI trained partners in the use of the sediment trap method application in microplastic research.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.