Purchase of a new band saw for the creation of a timber cutting service in Dricāni parish of Rezekne municipality

Project facts

Project promoter:
SIA “Bykova Holding Ltd”(LV)
Project Number:
Final project cost:


Environment of business in Latgales region overall is constantly analysed and overviewed by Latvian government and by Latgales Planning region. This project’s maingoal is for an exsisting and stabil company to start a new form of business in order to create a new service in a certain area as well as to create in the beginning at least one job for local people. The company plans to create the new service in an area where there are either very few or very low-quality services of this type. In the territories of adjoining and neighboring parishes there are some sawmills with a low capacity and a rather weak logistical location. Until now, local residents have had to go to the nearby cities – Rezekne, Viļāni or Varakļāni – for quality timber. 

Summary of project results


The aim of the project was to start a new business activity not yet carried out in the company in Dricāni parish of Rezekne municipality, which would allow to create one new, stable workplace.


The goal has been achieved because the fixed asset has been purchased, as well as one new workplace has been created for the start of the production process and its further development.

The sawmill service, which was started and developed thanks to the implementation of the project, is not available locally and the closest competing service providers are well overdue. The purchase of band saws allows you to fill a niche in the market, creating a wide assortment and sawing quality wood into a quality final product.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.