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A lot of people in Latvia wanted to support Ukraine when the Russian invasion started on February 24, 2022, but most did not know how to get involved, chaos ensued.
The aim of the project “Together we can - together we work in Saldus region!” of the Association “Saldus District Development Association” is to ensure coordinated, situation-appropriate action between the Saldus District Development Association, Saldus Municipality, project coordinators and volunteers and to promote the cohesion of these persons and the transfer of knowledge.
Within the framework of the project, support is planned for the coordination of volunteers, provision of internal and external communication and organization of a cohesion event. Project focus: (1) providing consultations to volunteers on available support in Saldus municipality - social, humanitarian, transport, medical assistance, refugee registration, accommodation, possible mentoring, out-of-home care for children left without parental care, employment, education and other issues; (2) activating the population to volunteer; (3) collecting and compiling information on available resources; (4) knowledge transfer.
As a result of the implementation of the project, it is planned to involve, train, inform and coordinate at least 70 volunteers. The implementation of the project will enhance the capacity of the persons / parties involved in the field of volunteering, ensuring the transfer of the knowledge (Know-how) gained so far, as well as the maintenance of established contacts in the long run and the sustainability of the newly established support system.
Summary of project results
As of 17.03.2022. 88 officially registered persons (refugees) from Ukraine had arrived in Saldus district. It was expected that the number of refugees would increase, but the resources of the Municipality were limited. Consequently, the need to attract other resources - the NGO sector, volunteer coordinators and mentors - was identified. A lot of people in Latvia wanted to support Ukraine when the Russian invasion started on February 24, 2022, but most did not know how to get involved, chaos ensued.
Within of the project “Together we can - together we work in Saldus region!” the Association “Saldus District Development Association” ensured coordinated, situation-appropriate cooperation between the Saldus District Development Association, Saldus Municipality, volunteer mentors and transportation and fundraising coordinators and promoted transfer of knowledge.
Project was focused on: (1) providing consultations to volunteers on available support in Saldus municipality - social, humanitarian, transport, medical assistance, refugee registration, accommodation, possible mentoring, out-of-home care for children left without parental care, employment, education and other issues; (2) activating the population to volunteer; (3) collecting and compiling information on available resources; (4) knowledge transfer; (5) gathering event for unity of volunteers.
At the end of the project 74 people was registered in the WhatsApp group chat, incl. more than 30 very active volunteers (mentors). 13 of volunteers were involved in volunteering for the first time of their life.
1. Transfer of knowledge has been carried out, facilitating and increasing the possibilities of coordination of volunteer work;
2. The number of citizens involved in civic activities has increased;
3. The long-term maintenance of established contacts and unity of the involved parties are ensured, thanks to the provision of internal communication (administration/maintenance of WhatApp chats) and the organizing of the gathering event;
4. Strengthened the newly created support system, thanks to the provision of regular communication (ZOOM, WhatsApp).
Long-term impact: a stable network of cooperation between the municipality, its subordinate institutions and volunteers has been established, which will continue to operate as needed. Ensured maintenance of newly created contacts due to the activity of the gathering event and the administration/maintenance of the WhatsApp group chat of the participants.