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Currently all specialists in the organisation work on voluntary basis however to ensure effective and coordinated Ukrainian support centre that can immediately react to the actual needs of Ukrainian people, the capacity of the organisation shall be reinforced. With the beginning of the war, the volume of work has increased due to rapidly increasing need for donations (both financial and in-kind) and need to attract and coordinate new volunteers which could be engaged in supporting Ukrainian people looking for help in Latvia.
The aim of the project is to ensure the coordinated provision of humanitarian assistance to the population of Ukraine by organizing and coordinating the voluntary involvement of Latvian citizens, organizations and companies in the provision of assistance.
In order to ensure effective and coordinated humanitarian assistance in the Ukraine support center created within the organisation, ACF Action project funding will be used (1) to involve new volunteers (up to 25), (2) to attract donations from individuals and companies by sending individual letters and implementing communication campaign in social media, (3) coordinate work with volunteers providing effective coordination mechanism linking needs of Ukrainian people and available support from the Latvian side (supporting around 300 Ukrainian people), (4) to improve facilities of storage house to ensure more coordinated and organised support for visitors.
ACF funding will finance the activities of the association''s specialists, who coordinate the donations provided by companies, institutions and individuals, directing and distributing them according to the current needs. A specialist will be funded to work with the Ukrainian Refugee Center and the Ukrainian people to provide appropriate assistance. The activities envisaged in the project will support the involvement and coordination of Latvian civil society in resolving the crisis situation in Ukraine.
Summary of project results
Association “Let''s help each other” is one of the organisations actively involved in different support activities to Ukrainian people after the war. With the beginning of the war, the volume of work increased due to rapidly increasing need for donations (both financial and in-kind) and there was a demanding need to attract and coordinate new volunteers which could be engaged in supporting Ukrainian people looking for help in Latvia. Currently all specialists in the organisation worked on voluntary basis however to ensure effective and coordinated Ukrainian support centre that can immediately react to the actual needs of Ukrainian people, the capacity of the organisation had to be reinforced.
The following activities were carried out during the project:
1) implemention of the communication campaign to attract new volunteers,2) setting up and maintaining of a warehouse to provide support for Ukrainian people,3) attraction of donations, in particular from businesses and coordination of the collected donations,4) coordination of Latvian volunteers to provide regular and coordinated support to Ukrainian civilians,5) implementation of charity activities, all income of which were used to help the victims of the terrorist attack on the Kremenchug shopping centre in Ukraine.
As a result of the project, the organisation:
1) recruited and actively involved 74 Latvian volunteers to provide regular support to Ukrainian people; during the project, 320 families received different kind of support,2) set up a warehouse where, in cooperation with the Riga Ukrainian Refugee Centre, Ukrainian refugees were regularly assisted and where not only Latvian but also Ukrainian volunteers were active,3) attracted new donors - volunteers sent letters to 114 companies, and during the project 21 companies responded to the call to donate to Ukraine.
The project strongly contributed to the involvement of Latvian civil society in the crisis caused by the war in the Ukraine, strengthened the capacity of CSO to mobilise volunteers in crisis situations, helped to involve more people and businesses in civic activities, and to establish an effective and operational system for coordinated civil society support to the Ukrainian people.