Long term sustainability support for ""Papardes zieds""

Project facts

Project promoter:
Papardes zieds(LV)
Project Number:
Final project cost:


  1. With the help of this project, "Papardes zieds" wants to build its capacity, thereby freeing up additional funds to more effectively solve the current problems of the target groups of the organization. We want to significantly improve our volunteering by strengthening their understanding of democracy and civic engagement. Also important target groups are young people, including person with intellectual disabilities. We promote access to health services, contraception, as well as implementation of health literacy education in schools. We also engage in advocacy  in order to ensure a well-thought-out policy in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights of society in Latvia.

  2. We implement advocacy at the national level by creating a network of cooperation partners - non-governmental organizations and professional associations - where information is exchanged, unified positions and messages are defined, actions are coordinated. We also work with the executive and legislative branches - by going to meetings of parliamentary commissions, sub-commissions, making proposals and opinions on draft laws or decisions that have been prepared. An important aspect is the presence in the media -  we regularly provide opinions in various TV and radio broadcasts, newspapers, media outlets. We also provide our expertise to other organizations.

  3. The main beneficiary of this project directly is the organization itself - its employees, members, volunteers - because the project allows us to ensure regular activities in the implementation of the above-mentioned tasks, thus providing an opportunity to engage in the processes through active civic involvement. Indirectly, all young people in Latvia benefit, including young people with intellectual disabilities, because the changes achieved in the field of health education, access to contraception and services will directly affect the possibilities of these target groups to take care of their health.

Summary of project results

  1. Advocacy for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). One of the organization’s primary goals is to influence decision-makers at the national and local government levels to ensure the protection and promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights. The challenge here is to create and implement policies that fully respect SRHR, while ensuring that marginalized groups, such as youth, people with intellectual disabilities, and socially disadvantaged communities, have a voice in these discussions. "Papardes zieds" works to raise awareness and engage these target groups, including their families, caregivers, and educators, in advocating for their needs and rights. The challenge is to ensure that these groups are actively involved in the policy-making process and that their specific needs are addressed.

  2. Improving sexual education quality and accessibility. The organization aims to provide high-quality, evidence-based sexual education that is appropriate for different target groups. The challenge is to ensure that sexual education is inclusive and reaches all sectors of society, including marginalized and vulnerable groups who might otherwise be excluded from such educational programs. In particular, there is a need for tailored education for people with intellectual disabilities, a group often overlooked in traditional sexual health programs. Through its work, "Papardes zieds" strives to reduce the percentage of people who lack knowledge about where to seek help in cases of discrimination or sexual health concerns, thereby promoting equal and respectful relationships.

  3. Increasing the accessibility of sexual and reproductive health services for marginalized groups. The organization works to ensure that people who are at risk of social exclusion—such as those living in remote areas, refugees, or those from lower socio-economic backgrounds—have access to sexual and reproductive health services. The challenge here lies in overcoming social and geographical barriers, ensuring these vulnerable populations can access the support they need. This involves not only improving physical access to services but also creating more inclusive and culturally sensitive health education and services.

  4. Financial sustainability in a changing landscape. The organization is also facing financial challenges, particularly in the wake of changes in funding from international bodies. With the discontinuation of substantial funding from the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) due to improvements in Latvia''s economic situation, "Papardes zieds" now faces the challenge of maintaining its programs and impact without the same level of external financial support. The organization’s reliance on donations and fundraising, which has not seen significant growth, poses a challenge. In light of the economic situation and the ongoing need for advocacy work—especially in topics that remain socially uncomfortable for many—the organization must find sustainable ways to fund its operations and continue its work.

  5. Adapting to unforeseen crises: Like many other organizations, "Papardes zieds" was severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced it to reduce its operations and rely on reserves to maintain its work. The challenge now is to rebuild from this setback, adapt to the changing environment, and prepare for future crises, such as financial instability or societal disruptions. Ensuring long-term financial stability, even in the face of economic uncertainty or unexpected events, remains a significant challenge.

  6. Advocacy in a shifting political environment: Another key challenge is maintaining momentum in sexual and reproductive health and rights advocacy as political dynamics change. "Papardes zieds" works in a context where issues of SRHR and gender equality are sometimes contentious, and there is always the risk that new political movements could challenge the progress made. Ensuring continued support for SRHR policies and maintaining the political will to fund and enact these programs is an ongoing challenge.

  1. Informative campaign "Healthy conversations about sexuality without shame, fear, or prejudices" aimed to raise awareness about sexual education, promoting open dialogue about sexual health. The campaign involved 19 NGOs and political parties, with participation from public figures who created a video addressing challenges in discussing sex with children and offering solutions for better sex education.
  2. Support for Ukrainian civilians. Following the war in Ukraine, "Papardes zieds" organized aid for Ukrainian women, focusing on providing hygiene products, medical supplies, and abortion medications. Donations were distributed through local foundations to help displaced women in Latvia.
  3. Tent at LAMPA conversation festival. At the LAMPA Festival, the organization held a tent offering educational sessions on sexual and reproductive health, with interactive games promoting equality and health. Over 350 people visited the tent, with 60 attending workshops and 72 participating in games.
  4. "Papardes zieds" summer school for youth volunteers: The summer school program aimed to improve youth understanding of sexual and reproductive health and empower them to advocate for better education in their communities. Twenty young volunteers participated.
  5. Collaboration with universities: In collaboration with Rīga Stradiņš University, "Papardes zieds" trained 19 students on sexual health and education, with several students joining as members or volunteers afterward.
  6. Cooperation memorandum between NGOs and political parties: In May 2022, a new network was formed to improve health education, particularly on sexual and reproductive health, in Latvia’s school curriculum. A memorandum was signed by 19 organizations and political parties in support of comprehensive sex education.
  7. Strategic planning for the organization: A three-day seminar held in August 2022 involved 22 participants, focusing on crisis management, defining key tasks, and developing a strategic direction for the organization.
  8. Fundraising campaign for the organization: In November 2022, "Papardes zieds" ran a fundraising campaign with the support of a local advertising agency, raising funds for ongoing programs and activities.
  9. Research on youth understanding of the concept of family: A qualitative study on youth perceptions of family was conducted, supplemented by a survey of 500 parents on sexual health knowledge in families and schools. A report was also created comparing sexual health education in Denmark, Estonia, Norway, and Finland to inform advocacy in Latvia.
  10. Agreement with the Ministry of Health for educating youth with intellectual disabilities: In partnership with the Ministry of Health, "Papardes zieds" provided sexual health education to 1,143 youth with intellectual disabilities across Latvia, benefiting youth, families, and institutions.
  11. Training for local government workers: A sexual and reproductive health education program was developed and delivered to 108 local government employees, helping them promote awareness in their communities.
  12. Educational materials on puberty and development: Educational materials for children aged 10-14 with intellectual disabilities were created to improve their knowledge of puberty and development, funded by the Swedish Embassy in Latvia.
  13. Participation in a radio project on youth sexual and reproductive health and rights: Since December 2022, "Papardes zieds" specialists have contributed to the European Hitu radio youth program "Pirmā reize," offering expertise on youth sexual health and rights.
  14. Conference "Am I allowed to love?": Organized in December 2022, the conference presented findings from a 2021 mapping study on protecting youth with intellectual disabilities from sexual violence and ensuring their sexual rights. Decision-makers and initiative leaders were invited.
  15. Sexual and reproductive health and rights education in Latvian schools: In 2022, 1,162 lessons on sexual health were conducted in general education schools, reaching 11,198 unique participants, including students from grades 4-12 and vocational schools.
  16. Meetings with stakeholders: In 2023, several meetings were held with decision-makers, including Saeima deputies, the Ministry of Health, and representatives from various organizations, focusing on sexual health issues, HIV control, and training for staff working with vulnerable children.
  17. Strengthening youth movement: In 2023, "Papardes zieds" strengthened its youth movement, with volunteers organizing activities and engaging in health education during the Zelta Zivtiņa Championship and the LAMPA Festival.
  18. Summer event: "Papardes zieda Summer School ''23": The summer school, organized by 10 youth volunteers, involved 20 young participants exploring sexual and reproductive health and rights.
  19. Opinions/proposals: Proposals were made in key areas, including updating the health education program, improving guidelines within the National Healthy Municipality Network, and contributing to the European Council Convention on preventing violence against women.
  20. Funding-raising activities for human rights initiatives: In 2023, funds were raised for projects aimed at educating children and youth with intellectual disabilities about sexual health and working with their families.
  21. Project: "Support for families raising youth with intellectual disabilities in sexual and reproductive health": Activities included educational sessions for 500 youth with intellectual disabilities, meetings with 175 parents and caregivers, discussions with decision-makers, and the publication of 5 opinion articles reaching 5,649 readers.
  22. Sexual and reproductive health education for youth with intellectual disabilities: In 2023, "Papardes zieds" conducted 10 educational sessions, covering topics like addiction, safe relationships, puberty, hygiene, body privacy, and rights, reaching 104 youth.
  23. Project: "Educational materials in easy language on adolescents'' changes and relationship building": This project produced accessible materials for youth with intellectual disabilities and their families.
  24. Sexual education and addiction prevention in schools: In 2023, 1,256 sessions were conducted, educating 18,181 youth, with a focus on relationships, puberty, and addiction prevention.
  25. New workshop on "violence in couple relationships": A new workshop was added to the sexual education program, reaching 417 young people aged 15-19. The feedback highlighted a significant knowledge gap regarding the seriousness of the topic and available support options.
  26. Workshops for young people with intellectual disabilities: These workshops cover topics like rights recognition, prevention, and actions in case of violations, with a focus on addiction prevention, safe relationships, gender equality, and domestic violence.
  27. Educational approach for young people with intellectual disabilities: The aim is to empower them to form healthy relationships and protect themselves from sexual violence and reproductive health risks by learning about bodily changes, personal boundaries, and relationship formation.

Overall, "Papardes zieds" made a profound impact on improving sexual and reproductive health education in Latvia, particularly for marginalized and vulnerable groups. Through its advocacy efforts, educational programs, and collaborations, the organization not only contributed to policy change but also fostered a more informed and supportive community that recognizes the importance of sexual and reproductive health for all individuals strengthening human rights.

  • Increased sexual and reproductive health education: "Papardes zieds" played a significant role in enhancing sexual and reproductive health education in Latvia. Through the organization of numerous workshops, training sessions, and events, the organization reached thousands of youth, including marginalized groups such as those with intellectual disabilities. Over 1,000 youth participated in educational sessions across schools, institutions, and festivals, with a focus on topics such as puberty, safe relationships, addiction prevention, body privacy, and rights recognition. Special programs were developed for young people with intellectual disabilities, ensuring that they received appropriate, accessible information about their sexual and reproductive health. The creation of educational materials in easy language also helped bridge information gaps for families and caregivers of these youth.
  • Advocacy for policy change: "Papardes zieds" was instrumental in advocating for improvements in sexual and reproductive health education at a national level. By engaging with decision-makers, including lawmakers and representatives from the Ministry of Health, the organization was able to influence the development of policies aimed at improving health education in schools, particularly around sexual and reproductive health issues. The organization''s proposals contributed to updates in the Government''s action plan on health education and the establishment of guidelines within the National Healthy Municipality Network. In addition, "Papardes zieds" played a key role in the formation of a parliamentary interest group to address sexual and reproductive health rights and has actively participated in international conversations, such as contributing to the European Council Convention on preventing violence against women and domestic violence.
  • Empowerment of youth: Through programs like the "Papardes zieds" Summer School and youth volunteer initiatives, the organization empowered young people to become advocates for better sexual health education in their communities. The summer school helped improve youth understanding of sexual and reproductive health, encouraging participants to advocate for such education in schools and local authorities. Additionally, volunteers participated in major events like the LAMPA Festival and Zelta Zivtiņa Championship, organizing interactive activities that promoted health literacy and sexual rights. These efforts helped to build a more informed and proactive youth movement, dedicated to advocating for sexual health rights.
  • Support for vulnerable populations: The organization was particularly active in supporting vulnerable populations, including displaced Ukrainian women, youth with intellectual disabilities, and socially disadvantaged families. Through various humanitarian efforts, such as providing hygiene products and medical supplies to Ukrainian refugees, and organizing training for caregivers, "Papardes zieds" ensured that those most in need received both immediate aid and long-term support. The organization’s work with the Ministry of Health to deliver tailored sexual health education for youth with intellectual disabilities reached over 1,000 young people, providing them with critical information to navigate issues such as addiction, relationships, and personal boundaries.
  • Collaboration with key stakeholders: "Papardes zieds" fostered collaboration with various stakeholders, including political parties, NGOs, and universities. This helped to create a network of support for comprehensive sex education and ensured that the organization''s initiatives gained traction among policymakers. Through partnerships with universities like Riga Stradins University, "Papardes zieds" helped to train future professionals in sexual and reproductive health education, further expanding its impact in the field.
  • Public awareness and advocacy: The organization significantly raised public awareness about sexual and reproductive health through campaigns, conferences, and media appearances. One key initiative was the "Healthy Conversations about Sexuality Without Shame, Fear, or Prejudices" campaign, which involved public figures and NGOs, and reached a wide audience. Additionally, the publication of opinion articles and the involvement of the organization’s health promotion specialists in radio programs helped to increase understanding of sexual health rights and issues among the general public. The participation in conferences like "Am I Allowed to Love?" and the publication of research reports helped bring attention to the rights of youth with intellectual disabilities in the context of sexual and reproductive health.
  • Fundraising and sustainability: In 2023, the organization successfully raised funds for its various initiatives, ensuring the sustainability of programs aimed at educating youth and supporting vulnerable populations. Fundraising campaigns, such as those focused on projects for youth with intellectual disabilities, provided essential resources for the continued delivery of educational programs and human rights initiatives.


Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.