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The aim of the project is to build the capacity of the organization so it can provide sustainable support to young people, educators and persons working with youth. To reach this aim the organization during the project life time:- develops its brand,- develops the possible services,- improves team member knowledge and skills including boosting their self-confidence,- learns from other experts in the field, - creates an upcoming development and action plan.
Activities carried out during of the project:1st - organizational brand development and strategic planning,2nd - development and design of the possible services,3rd - strengthening the organization''s management processes.
Expected project results:-developed strategy and action plan of the organization,-created brand book, -developed website with online store options,-listed service and product offer,-designed a prototype of the methodical material "Coaching cards",-carried out a cycle of peer learning events ( 3 residential meetings and one online seminar).
Primarily the project contributes to a more sustainable action of the organization for upcoming three years. The project helps clearly to define the further direction of the organization. It ensures more targeted, non-project-related financial engagement and cooperation with various financial sources. The development of the organization''s brand strengthens its recognition in the public space, improves communication with target groups, as well as increases reliability in communication with partner organizations. The website boosts the development of the organization’s economic activity as all products and services are found on one platform. Also, the project provides significant support in developing a product prototype and learning skills to attract financial resources. In the long term, the project results benefit as the basis for the further multiplication of the products and reaching new customers.
Summary of project results
In analysing the social networking statistics of the association, it can be concluded that 2022 is a positive development of followers, which is the result of regular communication with the public during the project. Through project activities, ideA has begun to practice in its team work supporting couching sessions that effectively help plan the organisation''s work in both the short and long term.
Similarly, for future meaningful and strategic planning for the various target groups during the project, the ideA has created a product called “Goal Setup Game” based on the GROW couching model and has proven itself to be an important additional support instrument during the restructuring process for the purpose planning and to be used in both individual work and teams. Method of management of the quality of work of the team to achieve common objectives of the organisation, which indirectly supports the overall objective of the programm.
The project carried out four exchanges of experience, one presentation event and an online workshop, bringing together 34 individuals from different civil society organisations and others.
The project team states: “The association has acquired a new identity, as well as its own website, which will be an additional communication channel with young people, people involved in working with youth and education.”