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The aim of the project is to implement a professional management and quality control system, develop an organizational strategy, grow and strengthen the base of Network members and supporters and be active and effective in communication with the public to become the strongest, most recognizable advocate for children and families in Latvia. NGOs active in the field of child and family support will be identified and a publicly accessible digital database with NGO profiles will be created. In addition, an expert platform will be set up, involving well-known experts in various fields in the society, who are ready to help improve child and family support policies and practices in the country on a voluntary basis. In order to improve the performance of the Network, a professional management and evaluation system will be implemented and a strategy for the operation of the Network will be developed, updating the vision, goals, priorities and main tasks. The Network''s internal and external communication will also be improved through interviews with all Network members and online surveys and discussions with the public and specific target groups to identify the most effective communication channels, formats, topics and content partners. The implemented activities will ensure the strength of our organization for long-term productive work, full participation in the development of national and regional level policies and practices and efficient use of internal and external resources, creating a common understanding of the organization''s common goals and mission.
Summary of project results
Were identified active NGOs in supporting children and families and was created publicly available digital database on “Child and Family NGO database” with NGO profiles. The database currently contains profiles of around 400 organisations. LBLT intends to continue developing the database, this database will allow anyone who searches for children and families in a specific region or support area to quickly find the information they are seeking by selecting the data as needed.
Also was set up an Expert Platform, involving experts from different fields recognised in the community, who are prepared to contribute voluntarily to improving the policies and practices of supporting children and families in the country. The expert platform was set up because LBLT is essential in protecting children''s interests, respect for professional ethics and sharing complex issues with field experts.
In order to improve the performance of the LBLT, an operational strategy was developed to promote vision, objectives, priorities and key objectives. LBLT''s strategy was developed for the next three years. LBLT''s internal and external communications also improved, developing a LBLT communication plan for 2022.
As part of the development of the strategy, LBLT has defined its own Services Basket, which will enable to address the Network more effectively by informing potential members and interesting potential members that will strengthen organisation capacity in the future and be a valuable resource. In order to develop the Service Basket, all available resources were carefully evaluated during the development phase of the LBLT strategy, target groups identified, defining what action lines are relevant for each of the target groups. LBLT organised meetings, surveying their partners, members to assess the organisation''s past work and to gather the wishes of members, partners, concerns in the future.
The digital material developed includes information about LBLT''s work, values, key achievements, defining areas and directions, accounting for the benefits of a member of LBLT, and making it possible to familiarise themselves with feedback from members and partners, as well as other valuable things.