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Latvian Fund for Nature (LFN) is planning to substantially improve the fundraising capacity of the organisation and its organisational management systems, as a result of the project. Improved fundraising capacity will enable the NGO to diversify and balance the income. It is planned to increase by 10% the income from non-project funding by attracting private and corporate donors. To achieve that, LFN will elaborate the fundraising strategy and begin its implementation, by engaging with private and corporate sectors in increasing their contribution to the nature conservation. LFN will also undertake the assessment of implementation of the organisation’s strategy and will develop a new organisational strategy for upcoming years. Measures implemented in the project will enable LFN to streamline its actions in reaching the goals and to engage new partners in this task.
Summary of project results
Organizational capacity building.
Latvian Fund for Nature (LFN) is planning to substantially improve the fundraising capacity of the organisation and its organisational management systems, as a result of the project. Improved fundraising capacity will enable the NGO to diversify and balance the income. It is planned to increase by 10% the income from non-project funding by attracting private and corporate donors. To achieve that, LFN will elaborate the fundraising strategy and begin its implementation, by engaging with private and corporate sectors in increasing their contribution to the nature conservation. LFN will also undertake the assessment of implementation of the organisation’s strategy and will develop a new organisational strategy for upcoming years. Measures implemented in the project will enable LFN to streamline its actions in reaching the goals and to engage new partners in this task.
The central activity of this project, on which further fundraising activities in the project are based, was the development of a fundraising strategy for 2022-2025. On the organization''s website and social network accounts, technological solutions were created that provide various convenient ways of donating.
The Latvian Fund for Nature with the support of the "Active citizens fund" has implemented a project to find an answer to a very important question for environmental organizations - how to attract donations for the organization''s activities? The culture of donation in Latvia is currently in the early stages of development, and most of the society donates to solve painful and urgent issues. However, nature protection, especially ensuring the protection of complex species and habitats, is a long-term process in which the immediate problems are not so clearly visible, therefore people are less motivated to make donations. During the project, a strategy for attracting donations was developed, as well as the operating strategy of the Latvian Fund for Nature for the next four years was updated.