More information
In order for Engure residents and guests to have clear boundaries of the coastal area, as well as a vision for development, we want to encourage public discussion about the current use of the coast and the future development strategy.
We will describe regulations for the use of the Engure coastal area in a document. The document will provide clear coastal zoning, describe the rules and prohibitions for the use of the zones. In addition create infographic images informing about zones and restrictions in coastal area, that can be published in social networks and given for future use to local municipality representatives.
Encourage and organize open discussions with involved interest groups (local municipality, fishermens, sailors, entrepreneurs, active recreation practitioners and other Engure residents) regarding restrictions that are actual now. For example, discussing the area for fishermen with fishermen''s representatives as well as informing about the views of other groups. As well organize open discussion between the same groups about the coastal zones in order to agree on the best purpose and terms of use in future.
Create a common vision strategy document for the future development of the Engure coastal area, based on the opinions and vision of the population as well as the plans of the municipality.
Present the developed material in the municipality so that it can be used as a reference to the community''s opinion.
Discussions will be open. Every resident of Engure will have the opportunity to be involved in zoning discussions, express their opinion, be heard and can hear the view of other citizens.
Summary of project results
A public consultation was conducted on the current situation of the coastal area, created surveys for the five interest groups identified in the project, organized separate meetings with representatives of each group. Conducted research on the informational signs and plaques installed in the coastal areas, looked for examples of good practice in other Kurzeme coasts, discussed the solutions so far with the municipality, development associations and various groups of residents, developed informational signs appropriate to the situation. At the end the document "Coastal area zoning and use restrictions" was created, which explains the current coastal zoning and restrictions.
A citizen-directed coastal development strategy document for Engure was created, based on the information collected from various interest groups, opinions of more than 170 residents were collected in surveys. The prepared documents have been submitted to the municipality. A letter has been received from the Development Department, stating that they plan to use the collected information in the development of other planning documents and in the preparation of projects. Some of the coastal improvement issues that were discussed in the discussions have already been resolved.
A video was created about the progress of the project and the residents'' expressed wishes for further development of the coast of Engure (