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The project aims to create a facilitative infrastructure and environment for the involvement of Latvian small and medium-sized CSOs in decision-making processes. The project''s team will achieve the goal by creating an automated participation system for CSO organizations. In the initial phase of the project, a study to identify good practices for inclusive civic lobbying will provide a basis for developing an automated CSO participation system and a more enabling ecosystem around it.
One of the most significant results of the project will be the involvement of 50 organizations in the practical use of the system, allowing organizations to represent their interests in the Saeima and influence legislation development.
The project will have a positive impact on increasing public awareness of the democratic processes, promoting citizens'' involvement in civic activities, and strengthening civil society organizations in representing interests and monitoring processes important to society.
Summary of project results
The project promoter`s mission is to build and strengthen the digital democracy ecosystem. One of the organization''s long-term goals is to increase the power of public participation in decision-making processes. Its core tasks also include continuously strengthening the digital participation ecosystem created by the project promoter - a trust-based and effective synergy of stakeholders.
In 2018, 17''944 organizations could be considered active non-governmental organizations in Latvia. On the other hand, there were almost 3''000 active public benefit organizations in 2018. Of these, only the strongest, most resource-intensive, competent and experienced CSOs are those that regularly engage in interest representation in the Saeima. Lack of resources and knowledge of interest representation is most often what prevents organizations from regularly following the legislators'' agenda and from actively participating in law drafting and thematic working groups.
Also, strengthening cooperation is necessary to progressively improve synergies between public administration - public sector and local authorities - and CSOs/NGOs in policy development and implementation processes.
*Audience engagement and content editorial of the citizen participation system;
*Study carried out for the purpose of preparing framework for digital CSO participation system: "Good practices for inclusive civic lobbying in drafting";
*Development, implementation and maintenance of the digital CSO participation system
*Maintenance of the citizen participation system and content editorial with the target audience civil society;
*Development, implementation and maintenance of the CSO participation system with the target audience CSOs;
*CSO involvement in the use of the participatory system, ensuring representation of their interests.