Women''s Rights Culture - a Milestone of Democracy

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association MARTA Centre(LV)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Venner av Martasenteret i Riga(NO)


The project aims at reinforcing women’s rights culture as an essential aspect of democracy and fostering a gender-equal sense of citizenship in Latvia. Although at the legislative level Latvia has good formal indicators in gender equality, there are significant shortcomings in the implementation of legal norms and in the practical situation that women face. Violence level against women in Latvia is high and female victims of violence have difficulties integrating into society. In 2019 Gender Equality Index Latvia was ranked 18th in the EU. In almost all indicators Latvia''s result is lower than the EU average. Score in power indicates a lack of women''s participation in decision-making, low representation of women in parliament and local government, and lack of women in senior positions in business. Within the project advocacy will be carried out, ensuring a gender-equal perspective in the decision-making and civic participation processes. The most important policy-making and civic engagement initiatives are related to the ratification of the Istanbul convention, adoption of civil partnership law and Gender equality law, and reviewing of the Education law. Educational activities will include developing a handbook for activists with advice and tools for efficient civic engagement, as well as training for vulnerable groups to ensure skills and resources. As a result more women and youth will participate in civic activities and decision-making process, believing in their power to influence the political decisions, due to knowledge and experience gained. This will ensure the increase of women’s representation in politics and business and representation of their needs in laws and policies regarding protection and enforcement of women’s rights. The Donor project partner will help to ensure effective achievement of the project goals, looking for safe and competent contacts in the Nordic countries.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.